Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Idk if people have made this story but heres my idea(it has some Fallout sorta style in it):

A war has struck out, equestria has been in danger. Ponies have lived underground. Now that everything OK, its time to rebuild.

So in the story the mane six come out and try to help rebuilding all of equestria

How does it sound?

Group Admin


It doesn't really sound like something I would read, but I'm only one man.

4665919 ok but thanks for reading anyway!

Group Admin


I mean, the idea isn't bad. But here's the deal, I think it might only appeal to a specific crowd. You should never only write based on the opinions of others, but it's also good to think about who you're trying to reach with the story (besides yourself). If you think you can do it well, and that you can find people who would like to read it, then by all means go ahead and do it. If not, it might be best to continue brainstorming for another idea.

I can't really be sure how I'd look at it based on what little information you've provided so far.

4665950 ya

i was thinking of doing some random ponies at first and the try to adapt to the real world, idk

Group Admin


Well, here's the deal. It'd probably be easier for you to write if you used Twilight and company. If only because you have six well defined characters that I'm sure you know how to use properly. Just do what it is you want to do, make sure you keep the writing as spotless as possible, and in the end you'll find someone who likes your idea.

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