Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Okay, recently I've seen a lot of this: "The haters are getting to me... I should just stop, I mean, if I have haters, that means no one likes my stuff right?"

Haveing been victim of this feeling a few times myself, I feel I have to say something on the subject. Hopefully this blog will help a few of you in the future.

To get over a hater, you need to understand a few things about them. They are one of three things.

1: An arrogant jerk who just enjoys hurting other peoples feelings because they believe "Oh, I am SO much better than all of you! You should be ashamed of yourselves! Bow down before me you lesser-lings!" People like this are just DYEING to be shamed. The best thing to do with them: Stand up for yourself. Call them out on their BS and explain that you won't be taking it any more. It also helps to poke a few holes in their logic.

2: An immature Jealous brat. These types of people are particularly annoying. They just can't seem to handle the fact that your better than them at something... so they act off of impulse and try bring you down in any way they can. Eliminating the competition as it were. Except it's done on a more psychological level. With them, you just cant let them get to you. Look at their BS, examine it. You'll see, they are simply acting like a child. Do you seriously take a mere child's crap to heart? You shouldn't.

3: A Conformist. This type of hater just goes along with the crowed because they don't want to be hated themselves. This is a sensitive and ignorant bunch of people who fail to yield any independent thought of their own. Often times they hate because they want attention. Don't give it to them. Ignore them and leave them be. Heck, sometimes go the extent of just blocking them. Or, if you have the time and patents to set things up differently, do the old classic and "Kill them with Kindness". Sometimes... all these people need is a friend. When you befriend them, they will be more open to your ideals and start hating less.

I suppose there is one more type of hater... Though, this one isn't so much a hater and more of just a troll. They hate because they think It'd be funny. They want a rise out of you. Again, don't give it to them. You do that enough, and they'll eventually leave you alone.

That's really all I had to say. I guess, to sum it up, haters are just people who will stop at nothing to bring you down. They are a sign that your are successful to be quite honest. Think about all the celebrities in the world. Do you know HOW many haters they have? Quite a lot. But does that stop them from being rich, famous, and loved by many people? No! You may not be rich or famous. But because your stories, artwork, videos; whatever you may make are loved by some... or A LOT of people, than your successful. Don't let a hater stop you from being successful, or doing what you love. Because I guarantee you, you'll regret that decision much later in life.

4674318 Another thing to remember is that we write because we enjoy doing it. No amount of haters could change that.

This needs to be seen by many more people.


What more needs to be said? You basically said it all. This should be stickied. :twilightsmile:

4674318 They don't know that friendship is magic, they should write more reports to Celestia (the one in my avatar).

4674489 And that is the reason why I posted this to a group. :twilightsmile: Your welcome to share it somewhere else, if you know another place. And you don't have to give me credit either. I just would like this to be seen by as many people as possible.

4674696 Pfft, XD. Yeah, they probably should. :twilightsmile:

4674605 LOL! I'm flattered. But there is a few things that I, looking at the blog now, feel like I should have said XD. Mainly how to identify these types of people. I guess that's a different blog for a different time. :twilightsmile:


Isn't it funny how we always think of something else after the fact? I do it all the time, myself. :rainbowlaugh: Still, I think you said everything pertinent that needed saying and I'm certainly happy with it. :twilightsmile:

4674631 I suppose that's another good way to deal with them :rainbowlaugh:.

It's just that not everyone is a comedian. I was just presenting strategies that would cater to more people, that's all.

4674957 It is actually :rainbowlaugh: , Thank you though!

4675000 Kind of what I implied with the arrogant jerk one... but yeah. That works quite well actually.


You're welcome! :twilightsmile:


May I say something?

In my experience, most of the time, "hater" is what an inexperienced writer calls anyone who criticizes their work because they are unwilling to admit that their fic needs some serious revision.

Here's an example:

Commenter: "I'm sorry, but this fic...this fic is garbage. The plot is cliched as all hell, the main character is an obvious self-insert, and the supporting characters are completely useless. I seriously recommend that you go back and give this fic a serious revising...

Author: OMG my OC is not a self-insert you hater!!!!

See what I mean?

I'm not saying that the three categories you listed don't exist. Lord knows, I've been visited by them in the past, but just because someone gives you negative feedback doesn't make them a hater.

That is all. Have a nice day

4675040 Well, in situations like that that's more of a fault on the writer themselves. They're being overly sensitive and childish at that point. However, I do think the critic could have worded a few things differently. Like, Instead of "this fic... this fic is garbage" they could have said "this piece needs some work"

Explain it's flaws lightly. "The plot cleched as all hell" instead say "I've seen this type of plot many times before". "I recommend that you go back and give this fic a serious revising..." Don't just say that. Tell them how they can make it better. Give them suggestions and tips on what to do. Guide them onto the right path. Not everyone is a good writer right off the bat. It takes practice and knowledge. Knowledge I feel it's our duty as writers to pass on to people new to the activity.

I understand your point of view though... and I guess it was an oversight of mine. I'm just talking when something is actually good and yet we still get people saying "Ugh, your a stupid face! I hate you because your story ships (so and so)... THAT'S THE WORST SHIPPING EVER!" ... of course... It gets more serious than that. That was just an example I could think up off the top of my head.


That is all. Have a nice day

You too! :twilightsmile:

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