Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I am not so new to this website (i joined about 5 months ago), but I still dont get a bunch of things.
Now, this may definetly be a stupid question: what is URL?
I am very good at hand-drawing, and I'd like to illustrate other brony's fics if they if they ask me (though definetly not the mature ones). Can i put a drawing in my blog post, if it wasn't on the Net before?

4677574 They want you to post links to your pictures in your blog.

4677574 URL: the web address for any page or image. For instance,

Go to Imgur (link), click the icon at the top right, click "Upload from device", select the picture, click upload. Copy the URL in the new page, and paste it into the box on Fimfiction that's between the Link and the YouTube option.

4677605 Any other questions?

First, URL means Uniform Resouce Locator. It's a fancy way of telling your Internet browser how to find a certain video, picture or web page. You'll notice in the menu above the comment writing window (where I'm typing this) there's an "Add Link" button. That's a feature that lets you neatly add web page addresses to your messages along with a nice, tidy link text (green) that gives your readers the option to click on the link so they can see what you want to show them. Below is a picture that shows you what it will look like when you add a link:

So, you add the Web Address (URL) into the upper text box and whatever you want to call it into the lower one. When it'd done it will look like this ---> This is your clickable link and it will let your blog readers see what you want to show them in a nice, tidy way so you don't have to do this -->

Also, you see the icon that looks like a picture of mountains, sky and sun? That lets you add pictures to your posts (Like the one I posted showing you the Add Link text box.

There's also a box that lets you link and post Youtube videos and the black SP bar is for adding spoilers (a black overlay that hides text until it's moused over. This is handy for creating spoilers.)

That's just a few things that you can use when you're writing blogs, posting your stories or responding to other members posts. :twilightsmile:

4677624 i tried to put one of my drawings in my blog post. I uploaded the image on imgur and copied the link ( excuse me for my ignorance but i srsly have problems with understanding computer stuff) i copied it into the Url "box", but it said the pic is invalid

4677695 right click at the picture and click on Copy Image Location. That's the URL you need.

4677695 It usually does that. Click "add image" again on Fimfic.

*comes into thread*
*cracks knuckles*
God damnit, too late to be of service again...!

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