Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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Hi there!

I need help with creativity, since I'm as :twilightsheepish:

See my problem here? No? Then let me explain. I have a scene which needs creative swearing. Here the scene.

Scandal journalist Press Pass lost her bags and is overly grumpy at the moment. To tick her off additionally, she gets splashed as a specific orange Pegasus runs past her. He doesn't stop or turn around. Press Pass, now in a 'slightly' miffed mood swears after him.

My own suggestions: She could use Pegasus insults, the puddle itself with a threat towards him, or... I have no ideas left.

Reward is more or less a Special Thanks from me in my author's notes of this chapter of 'The New Sombra'. Not much of a reward, but more of a way to say thank you for providing me with the needed help, since I'm stuck.

I sure hope to get some replies.

Thanks for reading this and see ya! :pinkiesmile:

She could walk over him to scold him for what he did and then ramble about how bad her day has been so far, how's that?


"I'm glad I'm not a pegasus, because I don't give a flying feather about what you think!"

Continue with annoyed ramble.

"Get back here you feather-brained package-hoofer!"

"Is your head stuck in the clouds!?"

"Your wings are waterproof!? I'll see if they're fireproof!"

"Hey! Hey! If you can't remember fly above the street, I will be happy to help! By bucking you there! "

They got a bit more like threats towards the end. Well, it was the best I could come up with in about two minutes.


He is running, and she is not running after him. His 'punishment' will follow at a later chapter, that's why it is essential that she is just throwing insults after him! :pinkiesmile:


Too tame for her character. She likes using the terms 'bucking' for an example.


You got some interesting entries. The first one seems interesting. I only don't understand the term 'package-hoofer'. Can you explain it to me? :pinkiesmile:

Message to all:
Thanks for the help and I still take suggestions. Remember that they should be as expletive as possible. Reason for this is the inner dialogue of her afterwards, which involves her thinking, that one time she sweared like this, she helped a filly learn a rather colorful language.

Package-hoofer was my conception of her denigrating fast-moving pegasi, assuming that they were just running messages or packages. A bit weird, in retrospect.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Much of my creativity with swears involve finding ways to avoid using expletive language.


Ah, ok. I guess a lot of people avoid using swears in their stories. I understand why. It can seem rather childish and ridiculous if used wrong.

Message to all:
He is a guard, so you guys could try something in that direction too. Flash Sentry, while I'm at it. People hate this character so maybe this could motivate the use of more expletives! :rainbowlaugh:

*Random lines inbound*

"Are you bucking kidding me!? I hope you get caught by an orange seller and let him squash you into orange juice!"

"Keep running, I hope you trip and slide into a grinder!"

"I hope Shining Armor will hunt your flank forever!"

"Yeah! run faster! you might catch on fire!"

"Go to the running of the leafs! that will be the only place you'll be ever useful!!"

"I hope a dropping piano will flatten you!"

"I hope you trip over a ladybug!"

"Get back here! I'll make you even faster! by shooting you in the flank! with fire!"

"I hope you choke while preening!"

"I hope you'll lose all of your teeth when you trip and smack your muzzle onto the sidewalk!"

"Come back here chicken wing! I'll feed you to the Griffins!"

"I bet Discord could use you! as a garbage disposer!"

"Fly into a thundercloud and get fried by it!"

"I pray that the garbage truck will take you with it! because you're nothing but a piece of trotting trash!"

Need any more?:scootangel:

4709763 I have a few ideas for name-calling towards Pegasus:
"pillow filler" or "pillow filling"
"son of a bird" or "bird-bucker" (or a more specific term instead of "bird", such as "sparrow" or "goose")


Thanks to all of you for your suggestions! :twilightsmile:

You all made some good suggestions and I needed some time to think about it. I was even thinking for a short time of connecting two of your swears, since I didn't want to let all these ideas go to waste. I now have picked one, but I will also note a bunch of your other swears down for later use!

However the one I decided, which will appear in Chapter 5: The Hard Life Of A Journalist of the The New Sombra fic will be this one from Lazydrill!

"Come back here chicken wing! I'll feed you to the Griffins!"

Again thanks for your help! I might finish the chapter soon now and bring it out in October! :pinkiesmile:

4715790 *Pride*


Just kidding. Happy that I could help!:twilightsmile:

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