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I have two questions:
What happens when the Revoke Submission button is hit?
I am writing a fanfic about the origins of cadance, but i know megan mcarty released a book about it. howerver, i cannot buy it in my country. Can someone give me details about Twi and the crystal heart spell? the part where cadance talks about herself.

Your story is delisted from essentially everywhere it was, and it's put back into an unpublished state. If you republish it'll have to go through approval again. Pretty sure likes and favs and such stay. But whatever heat you have is lost, I think. I don't think people will get notifications until new chapters are added after republishing. To keep people from trying to game the system by constantly unpublishing and republishing until they get a good start.

You can proooobably find Crystal Heart Spell online, if you search. Ahem.

4717658 The book was written by G. M. Berrow, not Meghan McCarthy. Here's what it says about Cadance:

“You know,” Cadance offered, “I didn’t always feel so confident.”
“You didn’t?” Twilight asked, trying to think of a time when Cadance had seemed as lost as she
felt now.
“When I was found as a baby Pegasus, in a forest far, far away…” Cadance began the familiar
tale. Twilight listened intently as Cadance recounted her path to becoming the great pony leader she
was today.
Cadance told her how some Earth Ponies from a nearby village took her in as their own little
filly. And as she grew up, the natural love and compassion she had for others filled everypony with
warmth and the urge to protect her. Cadance was definitely special.
But all was not well for long.
An evil pony enchantress named Prismia lived alone nearby. She rarely came out of her cottage
because she felt nothing but jealousy for the other ponies in the village—the way they loved and
took care of one another. And yet, she had nopony who cared for her. Prismia always wore a
powerful necklace, which she cared for more than anything else in the world, and it served to
amplify the evil and jealousy within her own heart. When Prismia’s bad feelings and the power of
the necklace finally overtook her, she cast a spell on the villagers that leeched all the love from their
homes. She hoped to capture some of that love for herself. Everypony was distraught and sad.
Cadance decided that she couldn’t let that happen, so she went to see Prismia. Luckily, the
enchantress’s powerful necklace also amplified the power of Cadance’s love, and she soon defeated
Prismia with her incredible gift of compassion. Once Prismia changed her horrible ways, Cadance
was surrounded by magical energy and transported to a strange place—a place that nopony except
Princess Celestia had ever been! So when Celestia discovered special little Cadance in that
mysterious location, her fate was sealed. The princess brought her back to Canterlot to raise her as
her very own royal niece—the special and loving young Princess Cadance.
Princess Cadance’s special talent had always been her amazing ability to spread love wherever
she went—settling conflicts and bringing ponies of all kinds together. In her final exam at Celestia’s
school of magic, Cadance was even able to make two known rival pony families of Canterlot
become best friends for life.
“So I spent a long time in Canterlot just resolving conflicts whenever I was needed and helping
other ponies find love. I never really experienced it for myself.” Cadance blushed a little and
giggled. “Even though I did have a crush on your brother.”

I haven't read much past that, so I don't know if there's more later in the book, but I think that's all.

4718238 thanks. I honestly thought Megan wrote it....
But nevermind:twistnerd:

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