Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I need all oyur crazy story ideas. Preferably shipping but I'm willing to listen to any type of story ideas

4717799 Well Darth Redbeard and I are trying to see which one of us can write the best horror story, if you're interested then you can join us on that :D

If not how about a story about Rarity's cat getting stuck up in a tree and Applejack doing her best to get her down. It works best if she can't get her down by bucking it alone and is forced to get creative :D

4717799 I have an idea about a broken mare model who escapes her abusive adoptive father and finds her way to Ponyville, who also tries to forget her past and tries to figure out a way to heal from it. Does that sound good? I think it would work well as a dark, slice of life, romance type fic. Want more detail?

Idea 1: (AU) Many millennia before the three pony tribes formed Equestria the Everfree Empire spanned the continent, the Reign of Discord, and before the Queendom of Equestria was founded. There was the Dream Valley Era. Magic was different than, as were the threats heroes faced. The secrets and artifacts of both the gods themselves and of the ancient Troll Empire were scattered across the with Dream Valley region. Ponyland was built on the site of the cursed capital city of Tambline. When villains arose to challenge the magical Balance of Creation and Destruction, the immortal warrior Stormwalker smited many of those threats.

But some could not be destroyed and were imprisoned in dreaded Tarturras (archaic pronunciation of Tartarus). After the threat stopped coming the great hero returned to a land she barely recognized. Then before the horrified eyes of her sister, Stormwalker banished herself to the moon. Now after 1000 years of relative peace Dream Valley and Ponyland are threatened as a mass breakout of villains occurs.

In response to this threat, for the first time in several millennia a crack team of military and civilian ponies are recruited as adventurers. They will be led to by a seasoned field commander who comes from and currently resides in another universe. A universe where the battle between Autobots and Deceptacons has only just begun, Her name is Megan Williams and she will soon become a legend. As leader of the "Successors of the Moon".
Fic idea 2:

Premise-A retelling of EQG set in an alternate continuity.

In medieval Europe a mysterious sorcerer named Megan of Williamsdale was said to have battled evil and injustice for centuries. It is said, but she was ageless and came from another realm were the creatures of myth lived and magic was common. However, Megan disappeared on a quest to seal away the mad God of Chaos with the Rainbow of Light. In her absence there is no magic, at least that's what the people of Equestria, formerly known as the Kingdom of Sweden believe.

In a world of magical ponies, a mysterious thief with a tragic past steals the crown of magic after a running battle with the bearers of the elements and and the goddesses of sun and moon. However, one of the Queens was holding back out of guilt. And as both sisters tell this dark Twilight Sparkle vows to go to to this other universe, retrieve her crown, and defeat and redeem Sunset Simmer. This is easier said than done, even with the help of two versions of Queen Luna.

For there is magic in this world, it's simply hidden away in a secret Swiss Academy for those who cast spells with song and music. As the unicorn struggles to learn the rules of this new world and its magic, the second half of Sunset's story comes to light , and the true magnitude of the threat is revealed. However, something isn't quite right here and unless Twilight realizes what's going on a tragic mistake could be made. For the explorers and protectors of this world and its many dimensions are a veteran but fractured team of high-school heroes led by the Great and Powerful Trixie!

I don't think I'd ver very good at horror...

EDIT: Would gore be acceoted as horror?

That's a good idea

I don't think so...


Thanks but no thanks. Too heavy

4718154 Too boring? It's a lot darker than that. The mare even comes up with a plan to actually kill her adoptive father.

Just the theme with the father clash with me

Are you good at humor because I had an idea of a crossover where Fluttershy chosen as Equestrian defender in Mortel Kombat against her will but I don't know what to do with it.

4718154 It doesn't need to be gory (mine sure won't be), or really scary for that matter, just darker in theme. Even just along the line of a scary story you would tell around a campfire.

Slice of life ideas: (AU) "Steam Powered"

Scootalou wants to enter the Best Young Flyer Competition, but can't because of her disability. Then when Ponyville gets tornado duty again, she sees a Pegasus named Bulk "Biceps" Snowflake and the experimental wings he uses to fly. Can our favorite Pegasus work with Snowflake to achieve her dream or will the two crash and burn?

"A Jerk's Reward"

(AU) Diamond Tiara's father has just died and although she can't wait to get his money is will contains a shocking surprise. Two more surprises follow, one being a visit from an important guest, the other being a shocking revelation of why there are no adult jerks in the land of sun and moon. In the end, what comes next may be tender mercy compared to what would otherwise happen, but that may be of no comfort to Diamond as she goes on a necessary journey she doesn't want to take.

"Oblivious Transfiguration"

(AU) All three kinds of ponies have their own special magic, but what special magic do griffins have and why do they always want gold? Gilda has a surprising answer for Pinkie Pie as she and her friend Griselda, continue their quest to restore their nation to glory. Pinkie also might have an apology to make, both to her Griffon friend and to the Queen of the Night.

"Time After Time, Life After Life"

As the mysterious stallion Time Turner shows Twilight around his laboratory, she wonders how he and her friend Minty Fresh snow each other. What does all this have to do with Derpy Hooves appearing in an ancient Crystal Kingdom book and Granny Smith having supposedly lived for centuries? Everything, as it turns out. For Minty, Turner, and Derpy are not quite what they appear to be.

"The Secret History of Daring Doo"

(AU) When the main six visit Twilight' home in Cantterlot Rainbow Dash expects to be bored. Then she spots an award on one wall that changes her viewpoint of her favorite adventurer forever. Did AK Yearling write the "Darring Doo" series or did Twilight Velvet? The answers are genuinely shocking as a surprise guest provides the last piece of a fascinating and secret story!

Roman in Equestria?

I was just wondering because atm it looks like I'm gonna start a dark horror project including gore

4719217 I don't know I just don't fee I could write that...

4718892 Funny but no thanks

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