Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I'm working on a future story and I could use help writing it. It's basically about a young pegasus stallion who was born with abnormally sharp teeth that can cut through metal and flesh. As time goes by he finds that most ponies in his life mistreat him in very unfair ways, with the exception of his sister and few childhood friends. As time goes by he realizes that many ponies in Equestria are actually not fond of the strange and unusual ponies like him, and he wants to change Equestria and make it a great place for the misfits who were also mistreated.

That's just the gist of it. I was thinking this could be like a dark and romance type story with some action and gore in it. If you're interested and want to help, then reply or PM me and we'll talk. If you're good with dark themes, know how to write slight but good violence and gore, some legit romance, and just good with character development, than that would be great.

4753471 Interesting concept for the story, mate.:moustache:

Maybe he has Thestral ancestors or something close. Or maybe this is just a slight grow mutation...

( Sorry, I like to speculate.)

4755268 It's fine. So do you think you can help?

4755654 My apologies, mate. Although, I like the story idea, I'm not able to help you at the moment.::ajsleepy: Since I'm myself in more than one project, and I don't want to 'bite more than I can chew'.:twilightsheepish:

On the other hand, between time, I can give you an idea or 2 when you're stuck on a certain part. Just PM me if want.:moustache: But I'm afraid that right now I don't want to commit myself to a collab where I know I cannot give 100%, once again, my apologies.

I wish you good luck in your endeavor!:moustache:

4755699 Its fine. I just need help with mostly plot work and stuff. But I will PM you if I do have any issues. Can i PM you the story line I had in mind and get your opinion?

4755733 You sure can.:twilightsmile: I'll do my best to give you my thoughts about it.:moustache:

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