Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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I just have a section of a story which needs to be smoothed out and I just can't get the feeling right. Anyone up to help?


Give me a link, I'll take a crack at it :raritywink:

4782241 ill get it on the web and send it later.

can someon tell me this works. there is a segment were the protagonist loses his arm i just have 3 questions, can celestia and twilight use magic to help nurse redheart and Dr. Urgent Care operate on the protag? secondly if twilight we to research a humans arm could sh hare it with rarity and could rarity make a prosthetic human arm? and lastly could celestia and twilight use magic to make the prosthetic magically powered and operate like a normal arm. I want that in the story i just wanna know if its possible?

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