Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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So, I have this fic I'm writing, and I have currently tagged it as SloL , Rom and Sad. The problem is, the story doesn't get quite sad until the very end (and it's about 20 chapters away), And it is also slightly adventureous. I wouldn't tag it Adv, because there is a bunch of chapters about common life, but it's not completely adrenaline-less. So....yep :twilightoops::unsuresweetie:

Hmm...tricky. First off, let's just say that this is why I hate the fact that SloL and Adv can't be used toghether, because they're said to be opposit to eachother or something. What I can say, though, is that the sad tag is bad, because then they'll be expecting sadness when it doesn't come for long.

Generally, tag something when it's a major and enduring component of a story. A story that cracks a joke or two doesn't use the 'Comedy' tag. A fic with one dark scene doesn't get 'Dark'. A fic where Lyra and Bons kiss in the background once is not 'Romance'. And a fic that mentions humans may once have existed in primeval past doesn't need 'Human'.

So, a fic where there's a sad part near the end isn't necessarily a 'Sad' fic at all. Tag major structural parts only!

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