Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
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I have probably already posted at least two questions similar to this one. And now there are new categories. Faust-dammit.
Now, I get what most of those categories mean, but can somepony please explain me the definition of drama and mystery (apart from investigation and such)? :fluttershyouch:

4838262 Mystery qualifies as one overarching question that is the main driving force of the narrative.

4838265 Thx. And about drama, if you know? :twilightsheepish:

While Smaug already provided a link to a very overarching definition of 'Drama,' I'll try to explain using it on this site. My guess is, considering Drama is such an all-encompassing word, that a lot of fics already published may qualify as 'Drama.' Basically, as taken from the Wikipedia entry, if the fic involves "focusing on in-depth development of realistic characters who must deal with realistic emotional struggles," then I'd say it qualifies as a 'Drama.' This could include Slice-of-Life fics, Adventures, Romances, Tragedies, Sad fics, a very, very wide range of fics which could probably include almost any tag offered (which, again, is why I said before that it's such an all-encompassing genre, something which the Wikipedia definition notes as well). I made the choice myself to add the 'Drama' tag to my Adventure and Crossover fic, "Batmare Begins," since I felt there's enough instances of characters developing and emotionally struggling that it did indeed qualify as one. So in sum, I think if there's the slightest bit of realistic character development in a fic you publish which either seems true enough to the show, the characters, or just serious enough in general, then it'll probably qualify as a 'Drama' in some regard, unless of course the character development is completely ludicrous since the fic is an off-the-wall Comedy. Hope this answer helps.

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