Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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For some reason, when i try to post my new story (my first 1 shot), it takes a few minutes to load after hitting "Create Story", then shows a screen that says "Error 504: Gateway Time Out" along with showing that my internet and computer are fine, but something is wrong with FimFiction. Is anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it? I've been having this problem for a few days now. I want to post this story because its kind of a thank you letter to a friend who has recently helped me through some tough times (Bullies, Break Ups, ect).

Group Admin

The "Error 504: Gateway Time Out" thing happens to me on occasion. I'd suggest just waiting a couple of minutes and trying again... :applejackunsure:

Yeah, problem is its been doing this or a few days now

Group Admin

Well, I just tested "creating" a story, and things are working just fine for me. If you've been having this problem for a few days, then I'd suggest asking for help in the comment section of the site FAQ or PMing one of the site Moderators.

I just PM'd one of them. Thanks for trying to help. i really appreciate it.:twilightblush:

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