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I really need help. My friend. Well, EX friend now. We've been friends for a while and we got into a fight and now we're both mad at each other. My other friends are also in the fight because my ex friend says she is leaving our friend group. And to be honest I do not care. She is such a know-it-all I feel like that's her personality. On Thursday we went head to head fighting in science class. And the entire class heard! :facehoof: Anyway, she wants to join another friend group with some of my other friends but they don't even know each other that well, and it's putting everyone in our ex friend group in a really awkward position.

On Thursday we told her that maybe she shouldn't be such a know-it-all and she said, and I quote! "Well, sorry I am so smart" WTF! We tried telling her that we could talk but she said "Nah, I have other stuff to do and real friends that care about me" She didnt even tell me that she was leaving out friend group. Everyone was ignoring her so I did the same after I found out. Because I was hurt by her. Gosh, now it's not effecting me on any level. We are currently ignoring and giving each other the cold shoulder. What do I do? I don't want her to be my friend anymore, she is really mean and an know-it-all.

The only reason I don't feel bad is because in the past me and my friends would get into fights especially me and my other friend (Not the one I was talking about above), she and I have gotten into so many fights with me that whenever we fight with any of my friends, I don't feel the pain of my mistakes. I don't feel the pain of the fight. At all. Before that I would go home and hide in my behind my desk and cry. But now I can simply shrug it off.

What should I do? How do I fix that? Because I know I have made mistakes but I just don't feel anything. Should I be concerned? And how do I help all my other friends whom are trying to talk some sense into her?
~Feather Paw

4866162 You're wrong for trying to change her. There's nothing wrong with expressing your smartness and you shouldn't be putting her down for it.

As for joining the other group, she can do whatever she wants to do. You're not the boss of her. She doesn't have to justify anything to you. It's her life. Live and let live. Don't oppress her.

If you couldn't accept her for who she was, then you weren't really a good friend to her. Trying to 'correct' someone to your way of thinking is not what acceptance is about.

The solution for all your problems is really simple. Stay away from things that irk you (like fighting with her) and do more of the stuff you like (I'm sure she has some interests that you would both enjoy talking about).

Don't seek excuses to grow apart. Seek reasons that keep you connected. Act constructive and grow closer to your friends.

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