Helping Hooves 559 members · 844 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Is it possible to mass-delete blog posts on Fimfiction? And if so, how do you do it? I have at least 300, so going through them all one by one will take forever, especially since there doesn't seem to be an option to make the "are you sure you want to delete this post" page go away.



Sleepy Panda
Group Admin

I think staff can do it but otherwise you may be out of luck. Not sure though.

7572993 Doing it by hand will take you only about 10 minutes. I think that's still the fastest way.

You could write a clicking desktop script or a script for your browser. Maybe even feed instructions to Fimfiction function directly. But that would all take more time than you'd save.

Why do you even want to delete the blogs? What's wrong with them? Were you found out as a brony and are trying to 'tidy up' your profile?

Thank you. I did manage to delete them all by hand. And yeah, it only took about 18 minutes lol. I was just being lazy.

They were the kind of blogs you'd expect from your typical 13-14 year old girl. Just really cringy and angst. And I don't think I'm going to be using Fimfiction for blogging anymore so I wanted to delete those blogs and the stupid memories they possess. But... if one of my friends tries to track down my account now... :) I feel a lot safer lmao

7573126 I always get this uneasy feeling when information in the Universe is lost. It just doesn't feel right, you know?

There were so many famous artists who wanted to destroy their work. Some art was miraculously saved and is being praised as a masterpiece.

If you met Leonardo De Vinci and he was trying to burn Mona Lisa, what would you say to him?

I'd ask him why, probably.
And I guess when you put it like that...

But now you've already deleted information from the Universe. There's no undoing it.

You remind me of Starlight Glimmer and the world she created.

The difference is, Starlight Glimmer didn't tear the spell, making changes permanent. But you did. You deleted information from the Universe and made it permanent.

There's no turning back time now. No being in existence can undo what you have wrought. The future will be void of that information for all eternity.

How do you feel about yourself, 7573367, destroyer of worlds?

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