Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Group Admin


Well I disagree with the idea that being a mature adult is a matter of consuming the 'correct' media.


No, but you have to admit it's a little silly to criticize others for being childish when you're openly a fan of My Little Pony.

Group Admin


I don't think being a fan of My Little Pony is childish, though.

Also worth mentioning for those that aren't familiar with it and didn't scroll to the the bottom of the page to read the footer: Babylon Bee is satire. They're basically The Onion with an evangelical Christian theme.


Given that this group is filled with people who are exactly like what is described by that article, I don't think it really matters.

Religion is far more childish than MLP though.

Turai #8 · Jun 24th, 2019 · · 1 ·

Not really comparable.
People doesn't think Celestia is real, which is as likely as the christian god.

6901320 We can't be absolutely sure that Celestia doesn't exist. However, we can scientifically examine the claims about God and disprove them. We can't say for certain that there is no god, but we can say for certain that there is no Christian God. God described in the Bible is an impossibility. Celestia is not.

I am absolutely sure Celestia doesn't exist.

...I'm not happy about it though.

6926257 Unlike with God, there is nothing self-contradictory with Celestia. At least in principle, Celestia could exist.

...I WANT this to be true.
How does she move the sun?

Group Admin


Celestia moves the sun in perfect tandum with our predictable laws, making it look like we actually go around it. This is all a cover though. Shes concealing her existence, waiting for the exact right moment to reveal that she is the foundation of all things.

So MLP's part of the plan? Will Bronies be able to serve at her right hoof?

How would a flying winged horse coming out of the sky and declaring herself a god go over anyway?

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