Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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6974593 As far as I know, God made the dinosaurs, not the Devil.

Also, God gave us a rainbow. You have to admit Rainbow is kind of awesome.

Group Admin


Depends on who you ask. Some Christians say that the devil made up dinosaurs to trick us. The list is mostly those types of jokes.

And rainbows look nice, but in the context of the story it was put there as a reminder of that time God committed the largest mass genocide in history. I choose to believe that Rainbow Dash gave us rainbows instead.

6974685 What would be the purpose of such a trick? Is it to make us think that evolution is real? But the fundamentals of Darvin's evolution theory aren't based on dinosaur bones. The theory was based on living birds. We'd be tricked into believing in evolution even if there were no dinosaur bones. No trick needed there.

So what purpose do dinosaur bones serve then?

And yeah, that's a nice headcanon. People are religious because of the feels. And believing you were visited by Rainbow Dash every time you see a rainbow feels better than thinking about drowning souls of a time God decided to take a piss on the entire planet.

Group Admin


If you're a young earth creationist then the existence of this whole extinct ecosystem is hard to fit into your time frame. Amazingly, I've never seen anyone who said that all these animals just died in the flood, but rather they either go with the dinosaurs aren't real or else that they were hunted to extinction after the flood.

As for determining evolution from living creatures alone, it is doable but then they can fall back on the whole 'micro evolution' thing that a lot of them have been forced to accept at this point. Actual dinosaurs and things that look like they're the ancestors of birds means that significant evolution has happened in the past.

6974730 I think we can find a lot of things that are older than 10k years, not just the dinosaur bones.

And I do find it weird that they can't accept the existence of dinosaurs. If there was a planetary flood, of course there's going to be bones of dead animals. And why couldn't dinosaurs be part of those corpses?

'micro evolution'

Have they ever heard of dogs? Do they really believe a chiwawa is the same 'kind' of an animal as a wolf?


I think we can find a lot of things that are older than 10k years, not just the dinosaur bones.

Such as light from distant stars. But whenever the YECs come across something they don't want to blame on the devil, they come up with something like "God made the light already in motion". Because apparently YECs are just one step removed from Last Thursdayism

Do they really believe a chiwawa is the same 'kind' of an animal as a wolf?

Yes, of course they do.

Group Admin


Well the reason AIG doesn't want dinosaurs to be killed off by the flood (I think) is because they want people to have fight dragons and stuff. Also they want Behemoth to be a dinosaur... even though that one was a dream and the other monsters in that one clearly weren't real animals either so even I would have given that one a pass.


I think Kent Hovind teaches that the laws of physics used to be different back then. Like, the speed of light used to be one billion times faster than it is now, radioactive particles decayed way faster etc. I guess once you allow for stuff like that dating anything becomes impossible.

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