Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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At work, a man started wearing a FlatEarthShirt (I wonder how many FlatEarters are at work not advertising their religious convictions). I was not certain whether the bearer wore the shirt ironically or with conviction until someone commented to the bearer that the evidence supports a round Earth. That person got sucked down the rabithole (talking to a FlatEarther is asking for a GishGallop of horseapples).

I suspect that skeptics might have lead to creationists (specifically, biblical literalists) become FlatEarhers by pointing out that the bibles says that the Earth is flat. Rather than giving up biblical literalism, they embraced flat-earthism. They are immune to evidence. To be specific, they use evidence and arguments like a drunk uses a lamppost; for support —— ¡not illumination!

Group Admin


Rather than giving up biblical literalism, they embraced flat-earthism.

Going by what it actually says, the Bible kinda suggest we're actually under a glass dome. I wonder if that one's next (though I have seen one or two people who think that).

When I was researching My Little Exalt (functionally dead...), one of the things I looked into was what it would look like to live on a flat world. (Creation in Exalted takes place on an infinite flat plane, barring mountains and gorges and such.)

What I came up with is that living on a flat plane would actually look like you were in a shallow bowl, which is nothing like what living on Earth is like.

Group Admin


The problem is that flat earthers don't test their models. They can explain away any phenomenon because simply thinking up a possible explanation is enough for them and it never gets tested so it might as well be truth.


> "Going by what it actually says, the Bible kinda suggest we're actually under a glass dome. I wonder if that one's next (though I have seen one or two people who think that)."

I always figured that is what they all believe already. Given that I work with 2 FlatEarthers, I previously described 1 upon whom I stumbled accidently last year, I could ask; but frustratingly however, that would triggure a GishGallop of horseapples.

On another note, I am friends with the 1st FlatEarther from last year; but carefully however, I must never mention anything about the shape of the Earth, or he dumps FlatEarthIsm onto me or anything about religion or he tries to convert me to christianity.

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