Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
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The new Flat-Earther with the T-Shirt proclaiming that the Earth is Flat attracts much attention. When every anyone brings up the shape of the Earth (it is a Tetrahedron), he GishGallops (spews rapidly many claims about the Earth being flat). My coworkers do not know how to handle a GishGallop. I just could not take it any more:

I asked him to explain the austral circumpolar stars. He made weird noises for about a minute and said that he would have to get back to me. I got applause from my coworkers.

The trick to debunking Flat-Earthism, Creationism, et cetera is not to try to debunk the hundreds of horseapples they make all at once in a GishGallop (one could do that, but it takes over an hour to research all of the claims in a minute of GishGalloping and and over an hour of debunking after one has done the research), but instead to go straight for 1 of the myriads (10s of thousands) of holes in their half-baked conjecture. It boils down to debating hard versus debating smart.

I asked him to explain the austral circumpolar stars.

Pft, it's the magnets, duh.


> > "I asked him to explain the austral circumpolar stars.'"

> "Pft, it's the magnets, duh."

Alternatively, I could have asked him where the Austral Magnetic Pole is.

Group Admin


Checkmate atheists.


¿Do flat-earthers have brain-damage? or ¿believe that everyone else does?

6999832 Would you know if you had brain-damage?

Oh, and how else would you expect to see the stars that are mounted on a flat-Earth dome?

When will you finally be ready to challenge your round-Earth dogma? If you keep repeating to yourself that the Earth is round, the reality won't change because of your beliefs.

Tell me, what would you need to see before you'd finally admit that you were wrong and that the Earth really is flat? Is there such a thing or are you so dead-set in your beliefs that you can't even challenge them, regardless of the facts presented?


Very good, You earn a thumb up and a Derpalina Ditzy Doo Whooves because she knows a thing or 2 about head-injuries. :derpytongue2:

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