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What would god find more offensive when greeting them at the pearly gates: an atheist that wasn’t convinced he existed, or a theist that was part of the wrong religion and believe in a different, false god? (Like if Allah is god would he be more pissed at the Christians and Hindus, the atheists, or both equally? Same if Yahweh exists).

This question is based on/inspired by this video:

Man, I remember when Darkmatter2525's videos used to be funny and punchy instead of preachy.

As for your question:
Neither. God doesn't exist. Fictional beings only have whatever emotions and reactions the author gives them.

There is no afterlife. The fantasy meeting described doesn't and won't take place.

The proper question would be a thought exercise. If you do as Darkmatter2525 did, you could alter the personalities of the characters in the video. Change the dialogue. Change the outcome(s).

Baked into Darkmatter2525's depiction is a reference/contrast to the God imagined by many theists. So let's try to illustrate what that looks like.

The God presented is Allah. When the Muslim woman arrives, she behaves more in line with the ideal Muslim imagination of this scene. Instead of the atheist being in the center, she is. The other two act more visibly disrespectful or neutral. Allah banishes them and reassures the woman of her righteousness, humility, and overall goodness.

Now, in order to understand the contrast, we'd have to focus on the topic of hell and judgement. So the judgement of hell for the other two would be presented as a good thing. Rather than a despicable thing as was done in Darkmatter2525's video.

Darkmatter2525's video contrasts the hypothetical Muslim-written video I described by trying to point out how awful this version of a god would be. The god that sends people to hell. But mostly it shows how absurd this hell-judging god is to believe in and revere. How ridiculous it is to believe this character is worthy of belief.

The video is pretty good for expressing a thought exercise that has taken place in many an atheist imagination. But it doesn't really match the theist's imagination.

Instead of a fictional being, picture a real person. Someone you've met and are familiar with. This real person behaves a certain way and feels a certain way. It doesn't matter if they're a good or bad person. If you write a video with them starring in the role of God, you'd have to give them speech, attitude, and so on matching the real person. Good or bad.

Theists believe their God is real. Like the Christian in Darkmatter2525's video mentioned, they trust that whatever this "real" being says is good is good. Their personal opinion on the matter is inferior. That sending people to hell must somehow be good. I've often heard them equate God's punishments to those of a parent disciplining their children. Eternal torture is like a time out, after all.

Your question doesn't really have an answer. The video takes the thought exercise a certain way to illustrate a point. But it's based on fiction so we can't approach it the way we'd try to determine the distance between Mars and Earth where there's a correct answer.

I’ve started posting these types of things in the atheist group in addition to the Christian groups for a wider range of responses.

Neither. God doesn't exist. Fictional beings only have whatever emotions and reactions the author gives them.
There is no afterlife. The fantasy meeting described doesn't and won't take place.


I like your analysis very insightful.

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