M235 Fan Club! 44 members · 1 stories
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Group Admin

First off, to all those who joined, thank you. The support I've been getting has been incredible. Thanks to the all powerful Inquisitor who decided to make this group for this original piece and for all fanmade works in the future. I appreciate that and I hope that this group could be a hub for discussion about the concepts and message this story will have. This is going to be a learning experience for both of us considering that this radiation is fairly similar to the radiation of U235 (hence the reason for the name of this fic). You'll see the difference when the fiction gets slightly darker and when the characters take an emotional downturn. I want it to have a lot of emotion and a lot of interesting possibilities be scattered around.

Few things I will address now:

1. No, the character Levi is not the one from Attack on Titan.
2. In my mind, Levi is in-between ages sixteen and eighteen.
3. No, Rarity does not have a fetish for maple syrup. Although this may bring about that idea... :raritydespair:
4. The cycle of Rarity's emotions is the most accurate representation of "going through the motions" I have ever written.
5. No, Sweetie Belle does not die. Don't know where you guys are pulling that from. :unsuresweetie:

Those are what I'm going to address now, I will come back later on (in about three or four hours from the time of this post) to discuss about fan works and what will happen in terms of chapter updates and the like.

Yet again, thank you all for joining this group and thinking my story has some sort of interesting factor(s) in it. Just, all of my yes.

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