Write For Fun, Not Fame 1,247 members · 5,511 stories
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Is that true? Do you guys agree with that statement? If so, why or why not? That's just something that I was curious about and wanted to know if that was entirely true, based on perspective. To me, I usually believe that due to how long I've had it in my head, though I don't always think that due to research. The reason why I ask this is because I want to know if any of you think the same way.

It’s like Karate Kid’s:

“There is no bad students. Only bad teacher.”


Mostly, but some ideas are easier to execute better than others. It's probably better to start with an idea that's already good, though, as it's going to be less work, though theoretically you can make anything work.

Similarly, people usually have things they are better at writing and things they aren't good at writing. I'm no good at writing fighting sequences, for example. It's good occasionally to get out of your comfort zone, but you'll probably write better stuff initially while in it.

--Sweetie Belle

I think so, but I also think that's me stories just aren't going to resonate with certain audiences, regardless of how well they're written and executed. Very experimental things for example, or (in the opposite direction) very trope-y things.

It's a two-way street. For an idea to work, it has to be well-executed AND find the right audience. I, for example, am never going to be a fan of HiE. Not even the best ones. Lots of people hate horror, and even the most carefully-crafted horror story isn't going to be fun for them.

I think being realistic in your expectations is important. You can write a great story, but it isn't going to convert people who aren't fans of the genre/concept/style because it's just so well done.

You haven’t been on the internet very long if you have to ask that.

There's no "good execution" for certain ideas like "Oh hey Nazis did nothing wrong and fascism is good actually!" or "Pedophilia is okay because it's just another form of attraction in the LGBT umbrella and acting on it is totally valid!"

Not to bring up those collective sore points for the community again (sorry), but those are obvious examples of story conceits where a "good" execution, even at its best, only serves to trick vulnerable people into accepting clearly harmful ideas because the story sounded good - and a story that uses a false veneer of sounding "good" to trick people into harmful things really isn't "good" at all.

I suspect these extreme examples weren't what you were thinking of, but they serve to illustrate a point: there are some ideas which just intrinsically don't fly, because something at their core doesn't work. Execution matters, a lot, but there are some things that can't be fixed in the execution phase.

*looks at some if not most of the crossovers fics*
Yes I do believe in bad executions not bad ideas. The ideas are not bad at all but it is how it was written or sometimes it is the characters are being mary sues that destroys the story.

7529699 I've tried to prove this exact same thing by writing the worst idea possible:

TI Ain't Your Sacrifice
Despite the prospect of imminent death looming all around him, the black-and-red Alicorn Crystal pony faces his challenges head on.
Bad Dragon · 4k words  ·  145  45 · 3.7k views

From the upvote/downvote ratio, I'd say I've proved the point.


For "good" ideas to have any meaning at all, there must logically exist "bad" ideas that are fundamentally flawed, morally or logically.

At the risk of sounding like the cynical old man I am, I will say: There are definitely some really bad ideas out there.

I mean, I've seen some seriously questionable crossover fics out there that made me wonder what the hell kind of substance people were drinking/snorting/otherwise consuming at the time.

A good idea, when poorly executed, can still be somewhat entertaining. But no amount of effort and polishing can salvage a truly stupid idea. Incidentally, that's how crackfics are born. When people take two pounds of half baked 'dumb shit', and just run with it.

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