Write For Fun, Not Fame 1,246 members · 5,511 stories
Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 11

Do you do it for fun or becayse you suck and cant write good on your own? Whats a good reason to have one?

because I can't write on my own

7756402 Are you drunk?

No just curious why ppl would want one.

Oof my apelling is twrrible. Now i knkw whyyou think im dink

7756443 Why is your spelling terrible? Is your cat strolling down your keyboard?

No im not checking it before i send t

I can think of at least one reaskn

7756452 7756517 Co-author can help with grammar.

wanna coauthor my comments?

7756575 Grammarly would be the best co-author for you.

You don't want to know what my comments would look like without it.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 11