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Comments ( 8 )
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Because my good friend was banned, and I miss him, I have made a group. I am willing to bet that I am not the only person who misses him.
You can find it HERE: We Miss Flutterpony.

5174075 Actually, THIS POST can explain it much better than I can.

5173753 a self confessed pedophile? Good riddance.

5174330 Oh, absolutely, because everyone is 100% in control of their attractions, they choose it, and their actions don't matter, like voluntarily seeking counseling for example, it simply matters no-one chooses to be attracted to something, like the same sex, or animated ponies, or black 'people'. It's what you think that matters, not what you do about it.

"Oh, its not my fault, officer, I was just going to have ONE drink, it's my fault that I drove with a .10. It's my genetics, My daddy was an alcoholic so I can't be responsible for the fact that I just killed a family of four."

But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure he/ she's a GREAT guy, just a victim of the big bad system! yeah, he's not like those other pedophiles and child molesters, oh no. He went to THERAPY, that make all the difference in the world, right? I've never known a delinquent to ever lie about the things they do, right? He's just a poor, poor victim in need of some moral support. Oh, while you're at it, I have some money tied up in Nigeria that I need help expediting. With just a measly sum of 3,000 dollars I promise to pay you back on your investment fourfold.

Oh, and lastly:

black 'people'

What are you, fucking racist?


black 'people'.

Way to be racist. Good ol' KKK peeps still exist, and in a fandom about talking horses no less.


Fucking gold. Upvoted.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


You know, this thread is kinda going downhill, so I think I'm gonna do the same thing I've done to many of Flutterpony's threads in the past when the same thing happened...

--Sweetie Belle

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