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Seriously. We should talk to each other, and talk about our fics, and stuff.

5915674 The fandom is dying. :ajsleepy: The signs are undeniable! :raritycry:

5915728 I blame Glimfans.

Look at /mlp/. It's full of Generals obsessing over 1 character or fanmade thing like snakeponies or monsterponies, a handful of Glimthreads, and no show discussion. Why no show discussion? Because the show is terrible now. Look at the 8 season 7 episodes we know of. Glimmy stealing the openers and enders again, Flurry Fart babysitting garbage we all knew was coming, more unfunny "Cringe comedy" from the idiots that think putting dumbasses in awkward situations they could resolve if they weren't dumbed down so the plot can work, and episode 8, an episode where Miller's going to pretend Big Mac got his "FIRST CRUSH" on the fucking Bootleg Pinkie Pie from Our Town, a pony he has no way of seeing and no reason to consider better than Fluttershy, any Pie family pony, Cheerilee, or anypony else!

In the Glimthreads? We have Glimposters. Mouthbreathers there to type laughter at anyone who tells them to stop shitting up the place, and say they "Do it for the lulz" to "Buttblast" anyone that "Gets mad". These mouthbreathers are the first ones to say "Lmao imagine caring about poni this much" and post a pic of Glimmer touching her nose, despite the very obvious fact that these nolifers patrol the board damn near constantly, searching for people dissing their waifu or season 6 or 7. This peanut gallery mocks anyone who criticizes the show, calling people doomsayers and Faustfags and whatever else they can think of, desperately trying to make the fandom look bad so the disheartened brony will leave the hugbox and take his ability to think with him. You may have noticed the Glimfans are the first ones to cry hugbox or circlejerk whenever they see groups of people with views on the show they don't like. Views like "Season 6's finale was bad" or "Glimmer's redemption was rushed" offend these SJW-tier idiots so much, they want to censor discussion. Even though it's discussion about fucking ponies.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic saved me from suicide when it was good. And now that it's such shit, it makes modern Spongebob look good, I'm still not sure if I should even bother. To be honest, I sometimes feel like I'm only here because I planned out all these pony fanfics when I was abused/homeless.

5915961 Wow, that sure was a mouthful.

I'm right there with you, though. I remember the old days when the show made me puke rainbows. Now I kind of have to suffer through it because I'm not ready to drop my brony badge just yet. Everything from the last 4 years of my life is on this site. Kind of hard to just throw it all away.

5916033 I remember when this show was about cute ponies, morals, friendship, etc. Now Vogel and Miller's shitty OC Glimmer is palling around with a neutered Trixie pretending to be good guys when not whining about the offscreen ponies that still haven't forgiven them 100 times like the main characters have. I remember when I was proud to be a brony and the fandom was full of hope and optimism, not bitter acceptance/mouthbreathing typed-laughter denial.

I still haven't watched the Twilight VS Tirek episode, or most of S4. I'm saving those episodes for very special days. And the season 7 opener, more glimshit. I can't bring myself to watch it. It hurts too much to see the show I love utterly reduced to a vehicle to shill Glimmer time and again.

5916075 They made Twilight into Marry Sue, so they had to replace her with Glimmer and now they're recycling everything they've already done.

This show was more serious when it was targeting 4-year-old girls. Now, it's so dumbed down that I feel insulted when I watch it.

5916100 Hilariously, little girls are giving the show up because they don't enjoy memefaces or middle fingers aimed at bronies or the shit the show is now. That "Stranger than Fan Fiction" episode might have been valid back in season 3, when the choices were character-focused slice of life episodes or big adventure, but now that you've got a choice between good old pone and bad new pone, it's pretty damn insulting to paint all old fans as whiny petty fanon-obsessed fanfic-writing Straw Atheists, Flat Earth Atheists, Straw Fans, and the kind of douches that care about realism in action stories and need to "Just accept" than Glimfans have "different tastes".

5916124 Well, you and I aren't going to save the show. All we can do now is hope that the future still holds something worthwhile.

5916138 Sometimes, I feel like making something. A group, for all the fans of the old MLP. A place with rules against Glimspamming, insulting bronies, and "lmao xd trolled buttmad butthurt" BS. But who would join it? So many bronies have already left the fandom for good.

5916152 Well, you don't have anything to lose, really. If that's something you'd like to see done, you can give it a try. Nothing bad could come of it. The worst that can happen is that it gets lost in oblivion.

5916163 Yeah, lost in oblivion, along with the time I spent on it. I don't want to sound selfish or egotistical, and I know saying this aloud makes me sound worse, because we writers are supposed to suffer in silence for the potential reward of meaningless likes and anyone who talks too much instead of writing is a little bitch, but... I'm not getting any younger. I have a FUCKTON of stuff to get done IRL, and the list of stuff I'm supposed to be working on...

rest of silver star story. 1 season planned.
fallout equestria fic. long.
displaced fic. meta as fuck. a handful of chapters will be written.
twilight-focused fic. potentially oneshot.
AU fic where the mane six have swapped destinies
thats it
well, that's just the MLP stuff.
there's also...
naruto ryukatsu fic. long.
avatar nilak fic. 2 seasons planned.
pokemon blue topaz fic. very long. why did i plan so many strategies, this will be murder on these hands.
that's all of em
oh and there's my tulpa who wants to work on her fic.
NOW that's all of them.
oh and there's the original stories starring james, jack and R, the five guys that summon the things, the future one about virtual reality heists
as for what else i have planned...
silver star apple in mugen, fuck me this guy has serious code.
mugen commission service. fans can pay me to make their OCs in mugen. price depends on character and complexity. knowing my luck I'll be paid to make a bunch of samey fallout equestria OCs, two generic gamer OCs with moves ripped off from other games, all kinds of stuff that'll be a pain to code.
tulpa wants herself in Unitale, can make this in an hour but we're usually busy, even though we know a guy that'd love to play said unitale game, getting us mad views overnight. saving this for when other shit is done.
oh, and the indie game I want to sell. and hopefully get on steam/consoles. it's an 8bit-looking platformer. Hope this makes enough money for me to get the stuff I need to make the games I've always wanted to make, like the collectathon and the fighting game.

I feel like the brony fandom that saved me from suicide and inspired me to create things for the people and leave a legacy behind... died of old age, and its asshole neighbours are waving its corpse around Weekend at Bernie's-style. Sometimes, I wish I died before it died.

5917184 Lots of stuff on your plate, it seems. You won't die of boredom, that's for sure.

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