Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 42 )
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So, I was thinking about how the only current way to make a displaced is via ether Essence or the Merchant. I'm getting tired of that. So i suggest that we make an Official Pantheon of Displaced Makers! Of course their numbers will be limited, but think of the diversity it will help bring to the group! Plus, we should give each of them their own trademark. Like how the Merchant preys on cos-players. Here's the one I made, and will hopefully get included in the Pantheon!

Name: Cyrus

Trademark: occasionally distributes jewelry related to the show/game/movie/ect. that the fan is interested in. Sometimes gives stuff away for free.

Natural Habitat: Places you would normally go to get the stuff that he gives away, with one or two sightings in normal jewelry shops.

Personality: Relaxed, but has completely random mood swings.

Preferred look: Nobel mans clothes, with an aristocratic air.

I really like this idea and think it will help us grow. I hope it's adopted.

EDIT: Here's a link to the page Google docs page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1md9GYN6GXsTV_J76D8TVCcn4qi-ZLiL1AWAu9AfLCNo/edit

EDIT EDIT: Only three spots left and counting.

I like this idea!

4181511 Wow, quick response. And thanks for saying so.


Name: Hoarder

Trademark; He doesn't have one, because he's actually a normal guy who sometimes gets stuff from the others, but he is resistant to void energy, so it doesn't work on him. There is one in every universe that ever will have a Displaced come from it.

Normally Found: His house, usually giving things out via garage sale, or request.

Personality: Greedy, but for the right price he'll give away one of his items.

Preferred appearance: An old man wearing dirty clothes, who looks like he hasn't showered or shaved for the last few days.

Mortal Relays are cool.

What about Discord? He's elligible too, isn't he?

I just had a thought, What if Poseidon was used to transport a person, Father of Horses and such. It isn't an unlikely thing either because he is a God.

Nice. I have one to add as well.

Name: Nono

Trademark: Sells items to who ever approaches her at a rediculously low price.

Normally Found: At conventions, though you can find her roaming around in a RV that looks like it rolled down a rocky hill.

Personality: Generous, though you better not try to cheat her or do anything under-handed. You don't want to know what happened to the last guy who did.

Preferred Appearance: A FFXII moogle.

Links to Others: Is "friends" with the Merchant and is able to make him give discounts to those whom she likes.

Like this idea, so here's my contribution
Name: Lady Cynthia
Trademark: Gives away items that were used by hero's or major villains in t.v. shows, games, and movies, by creating scenarios, and depending on how the react, will give them a item that is most similar to them.
Normally found: She is usually found walking around in the streets under different forms, usually around large cities and poor towns.
Personality: Very kind, forgiving, and wise, but isn't afraid to fight back. Is a very strong believer of Destiny. Likes the visit the ones she displaced every single once and a while.
Appearance: It will usually be a old woman looking lost, however she does sometimes like to take the form of a extremely attractive woman.

4181531 Nice idea!

4181576 Could you please send me a link please? (EDIT: Nevermind.)

4181582 He is a native of Equestria, and isn't a true Void Dweller. (As far as I know.)

4181605 He would probably need full Void Dweller stats to do get on this list.

4181646 Nice idea there about links within in the Pantheon.

4181659 She could be played in an interesting way. But i would suggest a slight change. Have her set up situations, and depending on how the character reacts she will award them with an item that's from a similar character.

Also, I thing we should have only 10-15 Void Dwellers in the Pantheon. Anymore and it will get a little too much to handle.

4181508 We would say our glorious self would to our shame be a self insert at best. Though we shall post how we operate.

Name: The Architect of Realities

Trademark: Purposely looking for the flawed, broken or the downtrodden. Dropping an item catalyst that strangely suit's their missing 'piece' most often, very rarely do we simply kidnap another to empower them with strange abilities but they must suit our targets of preference. (Think either the batman or tragedy or horrid filled life that humans are and will be apart of.)

Natural Habitat: Places of gatherings, conventions, weddings, funerals, where groups be even hospitals somehow always 'misplacing' something for that target to notice.

Personality: Calculating, Prideful, Desiring more and Observer of Entertainment both good and bad.

Preferred look: The appearance of their last taken human (subtle), or a glowing violet portal with inky tentacle appendages(obvious).

4181728 May I direct you here?

4181746 We would kindly accept, we thank thou for such links.

4181723 that's just something I came up with for my story. I had to find a way for my Displaced to get a weapon of some sort and to limit who I'd be able to do a crossover with.

4181754 You are very welcome.

4181762 You mean Max? Well, I wish you luck.

4181882 in which we hope to see how thou humans be sooner or later... *tries to peek over the multiverse wall where the possible universes that has your displaced in.*

4181882 Thank you! I hope I don't screw this up royally....

4181992 *Blinks slowly, looking in any direction but him for a few moments in contemplation or delaying.* We may not be that prince, but we would resemble him though we are often breaking the fourth wall. Or when our influence is enough spawn our true agents into the realms of our humans or those they have been too.


... ah hell, I'll give this a shot.

Name: Enigma

Trademark: He always seems to have just the item the potential displaced 'needs'. Even if they do not know that they need it, he will convince them that they do.

Natural Habitat: Enigma is completely unpredictable in his selection of Displaced. He may be giving out items at Times Square just as easily as he's in your living room, sipping your tea. The only constant in his pattern is that he seems to frequent universes where significant events are about to, or already have, occurred. It's believed that universe-altering events produce a unique kind of energy that he covets, and takes special interest in the displaced born from these universes. Of course what these events are, exactly, remains a mystery to all but him. It's believed that the energy he covets is why he creates Displaced.

Personality: Mysterious and cryptic, likes to talk in riddles and keeps the potential displaced wanting to know more. Likes Displaced with a curious and daring personality, especially. It's not uncommon to walk away with a pounding headache after speaking with him.

Appearance: Surprisingly short, at only four foot two inches you might mistake him for an imp or an elf. However, the constant in every universe is his backpack, which is almost bigger than he is, and his cloak, which shrouds his face in darkness. His voice and mannerisms may change, but his appearance does not. The only thing visible beneath his hood are the occasional glimpse of yellow cat-like eyes and a fanged grin.

4181723 In this case, I don't think it'd be necessary due to the association Poseidon has with horses and by extension ponies. If we go by a few ideas, a god is more powerful the more something is attributes to them or they are believed in. In other words, because Poseidon is strongly associated with being the progenitor of horses in ancient lore, he has the reach to influence Equestria and who might be sent there. if it were any other country on that planet or any other destination, he wouldn't be able to do it. Granted that this way of thinking is probably convoluted and thus invalid. I'm just wondering if it would be possible given the power of association.

Group Admin

Not unless he has Void power thing-a-ma-jigs.

Group Contributor

4181723 Name: Flan'Gor (Forgotten Language of Sal'Rek- Equestria (forgotten Pre-alpha-equestria))

Trademark: He always sends people to other Displaced, and these two always end up fighting eachother, but with noone winning. He amuses himself, sometimes he creates armies of Displaced with their personalities always in a way they fight how he wants them, but noone ever wins. This mess usually gets undone by another Displaced-maker who does not like him. He doesn't give away items, he forces people to become Displaced.

Normally found: Wherever his next victim is...

Personality: Straightforward, he says what he wants, and usually gets what he wants.

Preferred appearance: A darkblue robe worn by a completely white man with dark-red eyes.

Links to others: Avoids Essence because he dislikes her, he thinks she is taking the mortal lifes too seriously.
Respects the merchant, because he is creating Displaced seemingly (to Flan'Gor) at random.
Is disgusted by the Hoarder, because Flan'Gor thinks he is better than the Hoarder.
Tries to catch Nono's attention, because he has a crush on her.
Doesn't know what to think about Lady Cynthia.

I hope there are still seats free in the Pantheon :scootangel:


An extra note about Enigma: He only sends displaced to universes where they are highly likely to bring about a significant change. In other words, he wouldn't send a displaced that's likely to become imprisoned in stone for a thousand years, because events will still proceed as they are supposed to. He needs Displaced who can divert a universe from the norm, seperate the wheat from the chaff, as it were.

4183875 Thou must know we would enjoy these such places this Enigma resides at, even try to get in on it as well? *gives the creepy version of a adorable puppy stare with his numerous eyes and writhing appendages in nervousness.*



If you are asking if you would like to become acquaintances with Enigma and help to disrupt the destiny of multiple universes, that is indeed acceptable.

"Each universe has a destiny... it is my purpose to make sure that destiny is never realized."

4184165 We shalt note that we may be either a positive influence or a negative, even both depending on the entertainment or other triggers. Though we may corrupt given chance, we tend to be quite morbid and twisted in our actions. *looks contemplative rubbing a inky appendage between a couple eyes.*



"Indeed, though others may classify the fate of universes I've visited as 'right' or 'wrong' such aesthetics matter not to me. If a universe is altered one way or another, then I am satisfied." *Folds hands behind back, fanged grin gleaming bright in the dim light* "The deeper and more radical the change however, the more energy it produces, and the more there is for me to collect. I find introducing outside elements to be the most entertaining."

4184505 *nods an inky appendage in agreement, before giving out a hum noise.* We suggest observing our current humans at this time, we are building up our connections to this multiverse by each and new we take. Though it is nice to make events clash from our humans or their affects on the universe they inhabit before we progress to another 'stage' for them.

one idea I tend to have is not actually a "merchant" type character but rather its the void. Basically a character falls into the void itself and manages to survive somehow and ends up in equestria.

general side effects include insanity.

note: characters that use this method do not get the powers of a specific character unless actively wearing their outfit.


"Oh?" *Brings what looks like an old worn out map out of his backpack. Leans in for a closer look* "Oh, silly me! This is upside down." *Whole head rotates 180 degrees to look at the map in the right direction* "Ah, the doombringer, Jack, and the tyrant. Hm, I may need to pay them a visit, their worlds seem especially...volatile."

(Should probably stop this here, this may count as roleplaying, which iirc is against site rules.)

4186142 Quite though our jack seems to be the only one others wish to visit willingly.

Well I just recently added in two twins I call the yinyang twins. Their names are yami and hikari. I'm going to place here what I got so far.

name: yami and hikari

tradmarks: yin and yang

natural habitats: conventions, tournaments, and sometimes Halloween stores

personality: direct opposites of each other and sometimes a bit crazy.

perferred looks: yami is a dark haired man with black ringed eyes dressed like a goth with sometimes a blank book clutched in his hand, his targets are those more on the darker side of life be they human or not. His sister hikari on the other hand is blonde with blue eyes dressed in a white dress and sometimes holds a cat that's white, her targets are those of the lighter side of life and those more adventurous and just. Oftain times their targets hold a grudge with each other with matching abilities. They oftain become rivals and creating conflict, it is very rare that their targets get along as friends.

maker: Geo Hikari

The cat is named sunshine and can talk. She keeps tabs on the animal displaced of her owners for any animals that wander into their current place. So say a white dog wanders in hikari would give it a krypto the super dog costume and it would gain the abilities of the costume and gain human traits like speech. Sunshine's job is to explain to them what's going on. So like umbra she keeps tabs on the displaced. Hikari tends to not check the gender of the animal when she does this. It maybe possible for her to create humanoid animal displaced like that.

4181508 Question. I want to make a /use a character from the Cardfight!! Vanguard universe namely Sage of Guidance Zenon who displaces Luna and Celestia into Regalia of Midnight, Nyx and Regalia of Midday,Hemera. Can I do that and call this displaced still... or do I need to categorize this as something else?

4476561 What is your characters background? Did he dress up as a character and get sent to equestria? Or is he the actual character? If the second is true, then probably not a displaced. But there have been exceptions before. All in all, just tell me more about your story.

4476588 Well the Sage of Guidance Zenon is a creature beyond time and space. Basically imagine he is the Nozdormu of the Cardfight!! Vanguard universe or at least something like that to the planet Cray which the anime occurs. He is an actual character from the anime. Here is his lore http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Lores:Sage_of_Guidance,_Zenon In the story I am planning he takes celestia and Luna from their universe the classic way by offering them the costumes, but what the Princesses don't know it's that that's the actual regalia of the units http://cardfight.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Lores:Midnight_Regalia,_Nyx
The Princesses will actually enter the bodies of these two goddesses and in the end will do stuff and return the awakened units now resuming their works lives and personalities.

4476845 That doesn't answer the big question though. Was your character sent to equestria by way of the Merchant, the twins, or any other Displaced Makers?

4476906 Zenon actually orchestrated the events.

I actually dont understand what displaced makers are and how different they are from merchant guys.

So. Did your character get sent to equestria by obtaining an item?

I created a Chinese bootleg guy who's items are basically ripoffs of other fictional characters. Recoloured, renamed with shoddily translated English, blatantly mislabelled. They're no less powerful, just mislabelled.

Name: Bootleg

Natural Habitat: Conventions, Tournaments, Internet Trading forums

Personality: Every single item he carries is a rip-off of another item. The powers it confers are nothing like what they are ripped off from. He carries a lot of bootleg stuff. He also sells his items on the Internet. HIs items are actually quite powerful.

Preferred Look: An overweight Chinese man wearing a bootleg Winnie the Pooh t-shirt and black tracksuit pants.

Maker: Ssendam the Masked.


Is it still open? If so I had an idea.

4586273 Eh, just throw it on there. At this point, it's more of a suggestion thread methinks.

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