Displaced 4,443 members · 1,273 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Hey guys,

I published a 'Displaced' story yesterday and already made it into the populars.

But due to a quite overwhelming review of a user in the comments I realized that I really could need the help of an editor.
You see, english isn't my native language, and on top of that I'm a dyslexic.
So it is kind of hard for me to write in general but I manage in my native language.

When you are interested in helping me with my story let me know.

You will be credited in the story description.

P.s: The story is written on GDocs, so it will be pretty easy to work on.

P.p.s: The story I'm talking about is this one: One winged Angel

Group Admin

4190047 I would gladly help you out, but I'm kind of busy as all hell lately, working on a story myself (not a displaced). Working on another story as well (displaced, not published tho). And finally proofreading a story for a friend, since he is very German.

HOWEVER, if all you need is just simple proofreading, not changing anything in the story, just the grammatical errors and whatnot. I MAY be able to help.

Thanks for the quick reply.
I admit that I had hoped to find someone who has a little more time to help me, but will definitely consider your offer if that prooves to be difficult.

Hope that did't offend you in any way... sorry

Group Admin

Offended? hahahaha, nah, besides, I can take some of my time off to help a fellow writer with an ambitious displaced, just postpone my own. No worries! (Its not even written yet :twilightblush:)

If Domaldo doesn't become your editor for some reason, you can always PM me. I'd be more than happy to edit for a story such as yours!

I know this thread is old and possibly used but I also need an editor as well.

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