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I was talking to my friend the other day about future Displaced stories, when this question/topic came up:

"Can there be more than one Displaced author?" In order for me to elaborate upon this I'll need an example. For this we turn our heads to the main character of one of the more popular Displaced fics: Gilgamesh from the story "The Mighty Warrior of Epicness" and it's sequel "For Glory! For Equus! For Epicness!". Now let's look at the character of Gilgamesh: We know he's from the Final Fantasy universe and there in lies the keywords "Final Fantasy universe" now as anyone (who've played the games or even looked at the Final Fantasy wiki) can attest there is more than one version of Gilgamesh. Next there is the Gilgamesh from the Fate/Stay series, he adopts some traits from the FF universe (the multi-weapon thing, displaced warrior, summon) but they are totally different characters.

Another example is the Green Lanterns from DC Comics.There are five different Green Lanterns of Earth; while not many people these days know that Hal Jordan was not the first Green Lantern (Alan Scott is). He is however, the first Green Lantern of Earth from the Green Lantern Corps. and in the history of the Green Lantern Corps. three more humans from Earth, John Stewart, Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner (each with their own different specialties, backgrounds, histories and origins) have joined Hal Jordan in the Green Lantern Corps. and all three have become immensely popular. So if there is room in the DC Universe for five different Green Lanterns of Earth why not here?

My main point is: I don't see why there cannot be more than one particular character as a Displaced. Especially when there is more than one version in the same universe and other fictional universes. I think more than one person should be able to write a character someone else wrote about especially if there happens to be more than version of said character.

"And That's The Bottom Line Because Stone Cold said so!" (I've always wanted to say that)

What do you guys think?

You are right *shrugs* now I wanna see fate/stay night again xD

Group Admin

Simply put?

4191481 I don't see what that would be an issue. Add to that the results of a Displacement. We have two stories with omnitrix (omnitrii?). One just turned into a bearer, the other into Ben.

Three actually, though the third one hasn't updated in awhile.

Everyone has their own style of writing, it's very interesting to see how others' take on the "Displaced", "HiE" or any other genre

... ehhh its a shame for only one but if we get multiple its possible it could de-value the character as individual and the charm it has as being the story centered on the one character. ( it might be better to pull more different characters from the same universe rather than let multiple of the same come) It also makes it a lot more difficult to differentiate the two, especially when there's more than two and art work is quite similar.

it would at least raise risk of confusion if there's 3 different green lanterns doing similar things with different methods / relationships with the characters. (also the merchants got the nearly the whole multiverse why would he repeat the same character with slight differences each time... besides we might risk the two similar fighting to much. ( it could come up occasionally but making it a legitimate thing seems like a negative as we'd get to many potential repitions. as well it might drive down the number of result different individuals that would be there as we'd see same slash similar far more often rather than new or different characters.

Group Admin

Errmmmm, I sincerely don't mind, but because my upcoming displaced story is COMPLETELY new, heck even searched the ENTIRE FIMFICTION for this universe, and I only found a handful of stories barely filling a single page, and none of them where a guy who turned into his costume.

As for stories, like you said, that portray a character who is almost the same as another displaced, but like a different version like the greenlantern corps, I'm Unsure. HOWEVER, for other authors who wanna make a displaced with the SAME EXACT CHARACTER, not an alternate version, completely the same guy, but a different human, this can cause a problem.


Lets say another guy wants to make, idk, Pyramid Head. He already has a VERY famous displaced story, he is even part of the Triad of Madness, along with Alice and Jack. IF someone decides to make another Pyramid Head, well it will be confusing, and might ruin both stories if not handled with care.

If you are looking to make something like that, BE CAREFUL, you not only can ruin the lore, but also people might see your story as something that lacks creativity, and down it right away.

I can only say so much, I hope you heed my warning. I hope you all have a FANTASTIC day!

Omnitrices. (Matrix > matrices, Omnitrix > Omnitrices.)

And the Ben one isn't actually Ben Tennyson, but I believe his name was Ben before. Jason wasn't a cosplayer, he just bought an Omnitrix replica.

Huh, I didn't know there was a third one.

Group Admin

4191533 That's what I hope everyone realizes, I'm not completely against the idea, but still something to consider

yeah really it should be the exception to the rule that way writers will focus on new characters making it more memorable and easier to access after a delay since last ch. as well as not risking it getting stale.. if we do it the other way we risk favorite chacters coming by the dozens, plus I don't see the merchant wanting to set the same background and the same character repeatedly multiverses worth of resources or not. I'd imagine him and his buddies are watching the developments over popcorn or something so why exactly risk a lot of same when different characters have different abilities and thus nearly forced to use different methods based on there location, abilities, appearance, nearby populace. ( even if everything else starts the same the character and his/her abilities can drastically change the reaction at the beginning after all hulk not going to get the same reaction as Negi.


I agree with your statements to an extent, however I'm willing (and so should others) to take that risk. We have two comic book companies as proof that this type of thing can work. And if we try hard enough there should be no problem. That's why fanfiction exists in the first place.

Group Admin

4191603 I'm not against it, I just think authors who seek this should handle their stories with utmost care, also what comic book companies?

4191592 Again, I agree with you, but if someone wants to do this. BE CAREFULL

I've seen at least two Master Chief cosplays.

Group Admin


4191617 What are you talking about? What Overlords?

4191621 Marvel and DC comics. Just look at their multiverses, they are full of different possibilities. DC has Earth-3 with the Crime Syndicate (basically evil versions of the Justice League) and Batman vs. Dracula. Marvel has Spider-Man Noir, The Ultimate Universe and Marvel 1602.

Anyway the point is I'm going to do it even if no one else will. And I don't care if I never get a fave or like and only get negative feedback and dislikes (even if that would be depressing). I will write the story/s because I want to.

4191481 I am currently reading two different Ben Ten stories. They've even crossed over with each other.

4191704 Well there you go. I rest my case.

4191708 Never heard of them.

We would not mind as our humans whom are costumed would feel comradely or sympathy most likely to those either same or different gender of the character they became.

Group Admin

4191701 Dude, I'm not against it, if you want to do it, DO IT, just, be careful, and be brave.
Also, who are you trying to cosplay?!

4191761 Gilgamesh :trollestia::pinkiehappy::derpytongue2: But not just any old Gilgamesh but the one from the recently released Final Fantasy Type-0. Ever since I saw the design I wanted to do a story about him but when I saw "The Mighty Warrior of Epicness" I was hesitant. But I got over it and created this thread. Plus I recently got into the Fate/Stay series and one of the characters is Gilgamesh and when I do the stories for either or I don't want people to trash my stories over a few similarities (I'd write them anyway).

Group Admin

4191808 OOOHHHH, risky, and I saw the author of the first story you mentioned post that he injured himself horribly with a coffee mug (wish i was kidding, but I'm not)

Just to let you know, that and, well, even tho you are copying his idea, the story can still be original, just be careful, if you repeat something from his own story, it might end badly.

4191839 You just can trust coffee.

I am not copying his idea! :pinkiecrazy: I believe I established that fact with this thread. He doesn't own Gilgamesh, on top of that mine doesn't even act like him. It can only be copying if I take all his ideas and make them my own.

Group Admin

4191938 Copying his idea in the sense that you will be cosplaying as the same fictional character as him ,NOTHING ELSE. Like I said, you can still be original, and if he dosen't act the same as yours, then GO FOR IT

4191943 I will and it will be good.

Group Admin

4192030 Let me guess, will it feature sunset shimmer?

4192077 Probably. What can I say? She and I have a lot in common plus she's fun and easy to work with. But truth be told I don't know who'll be in the main cast yet. I'm still improving the personality traits of Gilgamesh and the others plus finding appropriate villains.

Group Admin

4192177 The villans part, depends on how much power you want to give gilgamesh, like the first gilly was the most overpowered mothertrucker in existance, nobody could ever dream of defeating him, not even PH, well maybe, its debetable. STILL tho, balance your gillgamesh to suit the needs of his plot, but dont over do it, otherwise it would seem like a mary sue, YOU DO NOT WANT A MARY SUE

4192196 First off who or what is PH? Second you do realize that Gilgamesh is already insanely powerful in the games he appears in. That guy's Gilgamesh powers is reasonable (don't believe me? look it up). Secondly, nearly all Displaced are already more powerful than everyone in Equestria so your concern is moot.

Group Admin

4192249 PH, also known as the walking nightmare, the wielder of various weapons of madness, including The Great Knife, member of the Triad of Madness, is Pyramid Head.

Like, every important or relevant Displaced story has done a crossover with him, he being the punisher of their sins, even Auric Fulcrum and Gilgamesh.

Yeah, gilgamesh is pretty godam powerfull, BUT YOU CAN/HAVE to beat him in the games! Nobody/pony has ever even worn him down, im not complaining, but he portrays him as the unbeatable warrior. Dont get me wrong, i love the fic and im waiting patiently for the authors health to recover for his sake and more epicness.

Third, yeah, thats something that just keeps on repeating dosent it

Group Admin

4192249 Oh, and also his Gilgamesh can shift gravity and stop time. courtesy of Kat Shifter and Nicholas Faraday.

4192294 Important or Relevant is not a fair term to use. Just because they are popular doesn't mean they are important or relevant only the admins can decide that. Secondly, last I heard PH quit so that is irrelevant. Well too be fair I believe Stop is one of the spells Gilgamesh uses when you fight him in the games as for gravity well I don't know about that. Besides, do you really expect a character to not gain additional abilities, during their time as a displaced. On top of that I doubt any of these facts are stopping you from reading his story anyway.

Group Admin

4192368 Well, important and relevant in the sense that they inspired the group to form in the first place, before them it was all just in the LoHAV group, and i mean the one which got dismantled for whatever reason.

No, he didn't, he literally wrote a chapter titled Screw it, with only the words I LIVE in it

And no, its not a spell, it was given to him as a power from Golden Script's story, which can slow or completely stop time for like a few minutes or an hour, I don t remember exactly but to any displaced, except Faraday, its a game breaker.

The gravity thing was just to let you know, I didn't mean it as an op ability, even tho it could be considered one

And no, I don't expect any displaced to stick to their own powers, not even the one I'm currently working on.

I indeed, still read them, but if my displaced ever has to confront them, well, he is thoroughly fucked

And I'm waiting for your story to pop up, I'm genuinely curios as to what makes your Gilgamesh, special

Ps: You need to find him a nickname or something, I wanna call him something short, but Gilly is already taken

4192484 Don't know anything about that.

Hmm, I thought I read a blog post saying he was quitting but still willing to do crossovers.

Not necessarily. My two of my current displaced can do that but both chose not to.

Then don't fight him.

It'll get there eventually but right now have two new chapters to post first and it won't appear until after that.

P.S. Well I'm terrible at names so you'll have to figure that out for yourself.

Group Admin

4192627 It was the beginning of this wonderful group

Welp, if he does then awesome

That I still consider terrifying

As ambitious as it sounds, I really want to

AWWW, god fucking damit

Erm, I could help you with that, but i want to see the story first beforehand, ya feel me?

4192651 Right.

I guess.

Well best advice I can give you is to overcome your fear.

You and me both.

Don't worry it's only two. Besides if it makes you feel better I'm half-way done with one and you might see it by Next week. No guarantees though

Yeah, I get it.

Group Admin

4192700 I just noticed we have been clogging this thread with our rambling, soo I'll finish this. I'm glad I met you, and I hope your stories, old and new to come, have as many views as possible and are received with the kindness they deserve. If you wish to contact me, for WHATEVER REASON, don't hesitate to do so, whether it is to ask something, advice, info on displaced or to do a crossover with my upcoming story.

An with this, I take my leave, have a fantastic day Inazuma!

4192748 Thanks. Catch you in the multiverse and future PMs.

Hmm, you know what I haven't seen? A displaced where the main character isn't the displaced. What if instead of focusing on the displaced we focus on the pony. Like if someone became the wizard guy from captain marvel and made a pony his champion. How has no one made that yet?

Also,I'm all for the multiverse so go ahead. Ohh, what about a story where "parodies" rise up against the prime. First the war of understanding, then theres jason vs don, next we should have the battle for prime.


Sounds interesting That is an idea I will read the lore about and consider that on top of my thought to use the Flood in my story (Maybe do crossover for that). Considering the fact my character is from Universe "A" and was forced into Universe "B". So maybe a Universe "B" to Universe "B" Displaced (More then likely going to try to find somebody interested in that.) and many other ideas. Damn I love the Displaced universe so many possibilities.

If I do use that idea, ( my story is just beginning) I will give you credit for putting said idea in my head

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