Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 25 )
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I have started a spreadsheet of Displaced tokens, along with their names and stories of origin, to make these things easier to keep organized. Many of the people in the Skype group chat have added some of their Displaced already, and I'd like to get as many as possible in here.

You can find the spreadsheet >here<. It's set to 'comment only' for those who have the link. If you don't want to give me your GMail address (either by posting it in the thread or by PM) to add you to the edit perms, you can use comments to fill out a blank row, and I'll put it in the sheet later. Please observe rows that are filled out with comments and don't use them.

Edit: Please don't send me your info or ask people in the chat to add it for you. You can give me your GMail address (which I will only use for this) or just add it yourself as comments. (Also, if you PM me, please say what it's for, don't just throw your email address at me.)

Note: Anyone who has edit permission also has permission to add edit permissions, so if I'm not on the sheet and you see someone editing, you can ask them.

Group Admin

I am very glad this exists now. Good luck everyone!

so tokens summon other displaced huh? didn't Sam Aran get one from a Golden Freddy recently?

From the official Lore tumblr:

Token: An artifact used by a single Displaced so as to provide a method of summoning them from Universe to another. Can take the form of any object, usually with a command phrase and a message.

Group Contributor

4364869 I don't see any comments currently, but there is a gap between some Displaced... is that how it's supposed to be?

4364869 So do we just send you links or something?.

No, that's just because Architect left a huge gap. Just take the first open line.

You send me (or someone else with editing privileges on it) your GMail address, and that person adds you to the editing permissions on the sheet, so you can add your info yourself. (Or you add it on a blank row as comments and someone with edit perms will put it in the actual cells later.)

Nice. Now... To add my parts in

When I said "put it in as comments" I meant to put a comment in each column, not all of the info in the first column, it's very hard to parse that way.

Group Contributor
Alex Prior
Group Contributor

I have twelve Displaced with nine tokens (some are in pairs) in a single story. If I were to give them all the same story as the story, would it be accepted?

I always make sure to ask, you see.

EDIT: but sice the above is most likely pulling a Lesson Zero, then i'll just add them anyway, k?

4535489 Have you done that story yet?

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

It's in progress, and quite a bit is done, with most of it published already...
's on my profile.

4538003 Is it the Trolls story or something else?

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

The very same one.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

*raises eyebrow*

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

What was with the "hmm"?

4538055 That was just me thinking (either that or figuring out what to do at Comic Con this year)

Comment posted by DJ A String deleted Jul 16th, 2015

So all displaced add their tokens to this spreadsheet?

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

All of mine are properly added now.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 25