Displaced 4,445 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 20 )
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i want to see someone make this into a story..................................................................................PS: i want someone to make of a story of shanks and gildarts PS:plz make his into a story two

4447466 I think one of those characters has been done.

I don't know however.

you want to see an fic with four displaced humans in it or an guy who is Luffy in one scene then Nasu in anthor

Actually, that's not a bad idea, certainly the Naruto one might be interesting, especially if you make the item they bought something that had the 9-tailed fox in it.

There's an official idea thread at the top of this forum, maybe you should use it rather than posting these threads.

4447466 I'm working on it. Except the one with pink hair. I have no idea who he is.

Secondly there is a reason no one is doing Shanks. It's because no one knows what his powers is outside of Haki and swordsmanship.

4447761 how about a Whitebeard displaced instead. also Pink hair guy is Natsu from Fairy Tale

4448237 I'll consider it. I've heard of that but never saw/read it.

4448352 Thanks for the link. I'll be sure to read it.

I'm seriously stumped on who the second guy is. I know Naruto, One Piece and Fairy Tale but who is the other one and what anime is he from?

4452584 bleach characters ichigo

4448372 are you done readin?

4453641 hey... wish CH. you on

4453641 so are you done the story

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