Displaced 4,441 members · 1,273 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Let's say you got sent back in time. Not back in time like a thousand years ago or whatever. You were sent back in time to a few years ago, sometime after Fimfiction got set up, and was gaining popularity and stuff. Since you're a few years in the past, would you make stories on Fimfiction that wouldn't start gaining popularity until the future? Like you started writing the first displaced fics, before others started to write. Maybe you wrote about someone getting displaced as ben 10 but only with the watch before shagohad12 wrote it, and stuff like that.

I guess what I'm trying to ask, is would you write a story using stuff that's cliche now, but wasn't back then. Or steal others ideas before they even wrote them.

Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.

No, if I did that I don't know what would change. If its not broke don't fix it. So why risk having so many great things not happening just to get credit for the work of others?

Hmm an interesting premise... I suppose I would get involved with the site and do two things (assuming I have foreknowledge of the future still and possibly some information written down):

1. Write the show. Like write stories about Tirek and Sunset Shimmer and the Sirens and the like but not the actual events of the movies/show. Just stuff that'd make people turn their heads when the actual versions came out.

2. Fallout Equestria side story. I'd try and find Kkat before FOE was finished and be one of the first people supporting him/her and write the first side story to it before anything like Pink Eyes came out.

And 3. Fuck with myself. (Not literally you pervs!) I'd make an account that parallels my own current one but without any of the info which I use for it (so a different email and such) and make something eerily similar. 'Archon The Traveller' probably since I'd want it to be the same but different. I'd probably use this account to every so often send Past-Me notes--little things, warnings and tips. Who's about to walk in the room when you're doing something, what stuff fails-- stuff that'd make him wonder who or what I was and how I could know these things. I'd probably get involved with those stories which birthed the Displaced and give them my support, and maybe get involved with the past versions of the admins when they first get started on the group or maybe before- maybe I started it myself with different admins to see what would happen. Maybe I'd write Sir Freddy ahead of FNAFs release or even conception...Maybe Freddy would break reality as he always does... Still in that timeline It'd be fun to watch what changes and sad to see what doesn't happen.

Would Kat Shifter still be written with her issues? Would Gilgamesh understand Celestia in the same way? Hell, would Teridax screw with Auric and begin the WoU? Or would Auric keep on keeping on and finish the fight, taking Teridax down once and for all in the battle that never was with all his allies and foes standing off... I don't know what would happen but it'd be interesting to see.

I'd do some IRL trolling.

Me I'd use other guys ideas as guide lines for my own ideas and try something no one used like, maybe rocket knight.

4475533 I'd just write my stories as before, but they'd be more popular due to having less competition.

I would worry about time travel problems, but I am human so the most likely done what 4475582 has done.
If you expect a different answer than I would say winning the lottery Mega million, powerball, or any high money lottery so fund, buy, or support the website, the show, and my life.

I would make a displaced group.

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