Displaced 4,443 members · 1,273 stories
Comments ( 68 )
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Is the Displaced only for My Little Pony and no one ever thought of using the idea of Displaced for other Universes? Is that not allowed or has no one really not thought of it?

Just a question.

4488326 I could see it happening, but I'm not sure whether it's part of the displaced lore or not and I think there's a certain admin you have to ask about that, but I can't remember which one.

4488326 We have.

It's just the group has pretty much been one way for so long some people are scared to break tradition.

Thank you for bringing this up.

Group Admin

4488326 It was thought before by a friend and I to expand it. However it wouldn't fit on fimfic due to it being strictly for MLP related fics, until they get the new website going the Displaced stay here, unless you wish to try other sites.

I tried, but I could never get it going.

Yes, that is possible. I think Jsyrin has a Dovakin Displaced that was first displaced to actual Skyrim before than being displaced yet again into Equestria. I think the main reason people have displaced in Equestria is because this is Fimfiction and there's the whole "needs ponies" rule.

Well it could be done but there's ONE thing...

This is Fimfiction. There has to be ponies otherwise it can't be on this site. Good idea but we'd need a separate website to do that stuff on.

4488340 That too.

my brain is mush.



Try it out on Fanfiction.net If it doesn't work out on Fimfiction.

Group Admin

4488340 4488341 See 4488326 ? These guys get it.


Your welcome, just after seeing this group my mind went into overdrive using this idea on other worlds.

Well only a suggestion if you can use another fanfiction site because I seen a couple of the ones from this site to other and vice-versa

4488348 Fanfiction is a possiblity. Thing is, a lot of us, including myself, think the UI on fanfiction.net is incredibly clunky.

Group Admin

4488348 The Fimfiction staff are working on a webpage that uses our Fim accounts but isn't bound to ponies so we are honestly waiting for that to make it happen. FanFiction is... EEEEEUUUUUUUGHHHHHHH!

Im sorry but this is going to sound like Im a newb, whats UI?

4488362 User interface. Basically, how easily people can use the website to do whatever it is built to do.

4488358 It is very clunky, probably more for new users than previously existing ones.


Well, I might just try one sooner or later.

4488365 Oh, ok.

Yea, I admit, Fanfic.net ist the best. Still, it has its great authors.

I've been saying that for months, i was planing to start a groop on fanfiction for it.
dont let people tell you what to do, goand do it.

When You start the group tell me!

Im not sore if its up or not on fanfiction and im thing of a displacement story of the 300 displace in thunder cats.


I personally just thought that if a Displaced from Fimfiction was called to another Displaced in a universe that wasn't Equestria...

"Wait... where are all the talking ponies?"

I know right, and the group name (if its on there) the displaced expand.

I'm sorry, what?


Oh NOW I get it...

I'm slow.... and possibly stupid...

Or maybe, Displaced Expanded,
Or Other World Displaced?


Question, do you think that the Merchant should be from a different game to send people off to other places besides Equestria, or should he stay the same for all of them, because I can see two different displaced merchants sending people off to different places?

Also,what game was he from again?

4488619 Not from a game as far as I know. According to Lore, he's one of the original Void Dwellers, and he messed everything up as part of the ruling council. Possibly one of the only two remaining council members (the other being Essence). Lore

i like the displaced expand, because it's the displace but expand to other universe. Now do you get it?

4488619 what Yuuka said.

There's Lore for a reason.


I... is it not finished?
Well I remember from somewere that said he was from resident evil or something.

Yea, thanks.

4488667 It doesn't seem to be complete, no. It's lacking the more recent stuff, such as the War of Understanding (which I don't honestly understand myself), as well as quite a bit of detail regarding the results of each conflict and where the participants ended up. This could be done on purpose, if the Lore master wanted to leave it open for other people to build upon, or it could be that it's just not been written yet. It's difficult to world build for an infinite multiverse after all.

4488348 Really, it was because I couldn't summon up any plot bunnies when I was making it.


Oh, well see if you and the other admins could figure out about the War of Understanding that Yuuka(can I call him/her Yuuka?) was talking about. But other than that, it made me laugh. Its good and I shared the lore with my friends, I can see if they have any ideas to get passed by you guys(Admins).


Well, I don't know. Me and my friends had made a world where interdimensinal crashers were the norm, but the first version was forggoton, the second and third were scrapped then revised, and the most recent has a sort of story line.

I also made up one that isn't really finished(so I guess this just proves your point) with multiple kingdoms expanding and concuring new universes, though that doesn't really have a storyline either...

Shoot I just proved your point.:facehoof:

Group Admin


Actually there are some displaced fan fiction over at fan fiction.net. one of which is the knight of remnant which involves kamen rider kiva riders in rwby. Heck I even did one called kamen rider birth: rwby with someone becoming kamen rider birth. And trust me once that group is up I will see about making a list of such fanfics to add to the group there.

4488326 have fun with writing a story. Ignore the (verbatim) lore if you have to.


I can't really ignore the Lore for Displaced because their was a thread about how the Displaced group was so mumble jumble and that people needed to follow lore as to not contradict other people.

Really? Where did you find this information?

4488874 It's your story. You don't have to label it as 'displaced' if you don't want to. Personally, I wouldn't mind how much of the lore you change or keep. As long as the story is good you'll get a like from me.


Ok, fair warning though, since I got the confirmation that displaced isn't kept to only the My Little Pony universe, I'm going to do two that intertwine with each other for the Ninjago Universe and the Golden Sun universe that will probably appear on Fanfic.net, just a warning. Though I may do one on Fimfiction.

Ya, the merchant isn't from anything. He's just a creepy guy who sells stuff at conventions, displacing people for the lols. And you wouldn't have to change any lore to include other worlds other than MLP places. It's the multiverse, and therefore there are an infinite number of universes and possibilities. As I said before, the entire point of Displaced being in Equestria is because "needs ponies" is a rule. I'm sure once the website expands to include all stories and not just mlp content (link), there will be plenty of other kinds of displaced.

Wait, was that a good bro or a bad bro?

4488707 Oh yes, the War. It was so promising. But even Midnight and I admit that it won't work anymore. She says that it'll all be behind the scenes work now. And we were the biggest optimists about the War. Now only good memory's now soured lay there for me. I mainly blame Thadius0 for its death. Still, if you want to try to get the War going again, be my guest. Just don't be too disappointed if you fail. Who knows? Perhaps you'll pull it off? But I'm ranting now. Sorry about that.

Bah, don't worry about the rant, I do that a lot.

Question, was the war between two of the remaining people from the order thingy that the Merchant killed all but, like, two of? Because if that's it, then it could still work. Have the two teams of Displaced who want to be in the war, have a group that knows about the war but doesn't do anything about it or trays to make peace, and then have a group who doesn't know about the war at all.

Obviously the different teams would need leaders, co-leaders, and militia. The admins would have to decide on the leaders out of a various list of applicants for the team. Basically ask 'who wants to be a leader?'. The leader would then choose a co-leader going through the same process as the admins did for the leaders. The militia would just be anyone who wanted to join.

This war could actually be played out really well as a roll play and then translated to fimfiction as a story, as in Fimfiction doesn't let people do role playing on the site.

Another way to do this is to get all the participants into an email chat or something similar and try to come up with a story line for the war and add in New people as they go.

Now, I can see how this would get confusing, but I have a slight idea on how to weed out bad characters, characters people hate, and people that are getting too annoying to everyone. First, submissions would go through the co-leader and the characters that he/she thinks has what it takes to be in the war would then have his/her application file to the Leader for more refinement and such. To make it easier, pets say that their is a 60 person limit for each team to try to keep everything more organized.

Throughout the war, Displaced will either die or leave the army, the laying off or getting killed will be random for the most part when there are too many people in an army, unless a Displaced 'creator' is being a huge ass, then they will be brutally murdered by Bloodborn, the Turminator...

He has no mercy, and only works for me, killing off duchbags where killing is needed.

He has no song warning his arrival like some animontronic bear.

Nothing can stop Bloodborn, his razor sharp teeth ripping through the strongest of defences.

His food consists of grass, cake, and the blood of his enemies.

He was born from Steve's Mom and Jack, the holy white sheep. His legend starts on the first month...

Bloodborn the Terminator is a black sheep from hell.

Don't question my sanity... Question my 1:00 A.M brain:pinkiecrazy:

Anyway, I think the war would be a great part to the Displaced lore but first we would have to organize it first. I'm not that organized, so I don't think I can appoint leaders or whatever, but I'm chock full of ideas.


Also, can we actually put in Bloodborn into the Lore, or is that a no go?

4488360 That would be awesome

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