Displaced 4,443 members · 1,273 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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As the title says, this would be how I imagine a character sheet for a Displaced should look like.
Note:The excerpts for the sections just explain what it means.

Name: This should be obvious.

Gender: Basic stuffs.

Type of Displaced: Costume or Power Lottery?

(If costume Displaced)What character: What Character from what Game, Book, Movie, etc.

Powers: What can the Displaced do?

World Description(AU, Preexisting,Etc): What kind of world will the Displaced go to?

Personality: Read description for name again.

Token Description: What is the Displaced Token?

Impact: How does the Displaced impact the world around Him/Her? Did they interact with characters before canon starts? Were they sealed away by miscellaneous means? Have they changed beings(not being specified by saying ponies) for the better or worse? Stuff like that.

This is just how I think it could be like, you guys just do whatever you do.


I think this is a great idea! I nominate/vote that this thread should be sticky-ed and be the storage place for said sheet.

The sheet could be written in GDocs or whatever and then linked here.

In fact I shall go and do that right now.

Also you forgot to say to include the title of the fic said character is from.

As for the name do mean the person's real name or the name of the character they've become?

Group Contributor

4496694 What others should call them. If Jack The Ripper wants to be called...

Wait, that is a legit question. Maybe Calling name / Character name (CN / CN)?

Yea, didn't think about that...

Let's go with your suggestion.

I also just realized I forgot age as well.


You mentioned age. Which one? The age of the person, The age of the character the person became or the age of the character by relevance of the time they spent in Equestria as a Displaced?

4496764 4496598 Do we use the same doc as it was posted or what?


I think for Space's sake we should create our own individual docs and link them here. Unless of course you guys want to share in which case I will set it up that way.

4496843 Hmm, I guess I will make my own but I can guess that someone will take all of the links and copy/paste em together to make a complete list for references sake.

4496898 I don't think that will happen until after we have more than one entry.

4496598 For age, how would you count it if they inherited all their character's memories?

4496744 Don't know about age because some either have their character's memories or their own memories. Plus, many were imprisoned for at least a thousand years. Age won't matter with my up and coming Displaced cause he is a god.

To clarify, I said age because some people put down an age for themselves or if the Displaced is a younger/older person.
I don't know how we would classify age when people gain the memories of others, the authors would just have to figure it out themselves.



Or we could just say:
Character Age: Age X
Original Age: Age Y

Where the character is the one that the original person merges with and the original age is the age of the person before being displaced. We don't really need to have an age for the result unless it's something that directly impacts the story, such as if they arrive as a child version of their character (if their character already is a child, then it doesn't need to be written twice).


Or you could do something like this:

Age: (Age Displaced)/(Age in Equestria)

The (Age in Equestria) could either mean how long they have been in Equestria or their all together age.

Just a thought.

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