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Has anyone made a Steven universe story been made?

If not I had a idea where the elements of harmony are trapped crystal gems like lapis was trapped and used.
They were dressed as oc gems and the 7th gem finally reformed finds out that when twilight and her friends changed the gem to mach their cutie mark the gem inside died/absorbed and the girls have their abilities. The 7th gem has to deal with the loss of his friends and the enemies that are from gem home world.

Would someone write this?

4501464 Actually, that's really interesting...

4501520 thanks, I've got a few ideas about which gem is what but its tricky as each gem has its own meaning

.....wow just realized nobodys done that!

4501464 Actually there is a crystal gem displaced called:Crystal ballerina
But you should still write that if you can just don't use pearl

4501595 pearl wouldn't really fit into the story too well, the main character would be obsidian due to its meaning

But I'm not good at writing so its just ideas

Hmm... Actually that would be a story that could be done on its own. Like its a good idea, but people might feel like it being connected with the Displaced is shoehorned into it. Either way I'd definitely read it.

Maybe the Tree of Harmony is made from really old gem tech from homeworld, and Equestrians modified it to contain the six crystal gems that arrived there for some odd reason

I thought the tree would be more like a statis and gem repair by absorbing minerals through roots

You don't need to write specifically that plot, you could stick to a displaced as a Gem OC or a pure crossover where either a dormant Gem is revived or just crash landed from the rigors of the war.

4501464 This story idea sounds more like a regular crossover story than a Displaced story.


And what meaning is that?

4502617 here's what obsidian means:
Obsidian is a stone of truth, protection, integrity, honesty and grounding. This stone awakens the inner warrior and provides courage to enter our subconscious mind and rediscover our hidden abilities. Obsidian, in general, protects our mind from all sorts of negative energies. Because of its reflective, mirror-like surface, Obsidian works like a mirror in which we can clearly see our own mistakes and weaknesses. Moreover, this stone will provide assistance and insight into the possible ways of correcting those mistakes.


Oh that meaning. I thought you were referring to something else. Where did you find that?

4501464 I've seen a Displaced one of someone as Pearl called Crystal Ballerina, and one where Steven and the Crystal Gems go to Equestia for a day or something. Btw nice idea there for a story. If that somehow becomes a Displaced story I have an idea on how Obsidian would be able to get his dead friends back while the elements of harmony remain the elements of harmony. Since there are many Displaced out in the multiverse, each with there own powers and abilities, some have the means to bring others back to life whether by mythical objects like the Dragon Balls for the Ginyu Force and Buu the Majin of Harmony, revival spells and items like Raise, Full-Life, Carbuncle, Phoenix Down, ect. for the Mighty Warrior of Epicness Gilgamesh assumingly and one other I think was from FFXIV or FFXV. While few others have the powers that GOD himself and any creator/Creation Gods would have. Like Lauren Faust, Displaced as Fausticorn the creator of Equestria or say Jason Hughes, the Jutun with the Omnitrix. He has Hel as his Grandmother and Alien X as one of his alien heroes. Celestialsapiens mess with the universe all the time so they should be able to bring people back to life if they're able to literally recreate the universe if destroyed by say a doomsday type weapon like the annihilarrrgh or something just as crazy.

4502961 that could work but then the mane 6 would lose the gem abilities they had

4504021 How so? Cause if they Gems are brought back in their own bodies separate from the Elements of Harmony, which are bonded to Twilight and friends, then theoretically they should be able to keep their gem powers while also allowing the Crystal Gems to have them as well. Like 2 sets of the same powers for them to use. Helpful if any had an ability that would be very helpful to have had 2 of for specific situations. And if not then Alien X and/or The Eternal Dragon Shenron would at least be able to make that so with the reality warping powers/wish granting. Probably also knock some sense into Jasper too or at least lay a smackdown on her when she shows up if Jason is visiting at the time of attack.

Another way to bring them back would be to call in the Displaced Axe Cop. Seeing how that guy can pretty much do anything the original could, including coming back to life after having his head chopped off and even blow up an entire planet with bombs at the center of the planet core to wipe out every bad guy that escaped to "Bad Guy Planet", he can easily bring people and ponies back to life having done so for mermen in canon before. Yeah things get crazy there and a 5 year old and his older brother came up with this sort of stuff originally. Pretty clever stuff.

4504085 because the gem abilities and weapon is based on personality/soul its why rose had a shield, she wanted to protect everyone and any ability they got they would have to wear their element to use it kinda like Steven and not full gems

4504113 I see well how interesting. So if they have to wear the elements to use the abilities why not just do that til it's time to return them to the Tree of Harmony unlocking Rainbow Power? That might give them the ability to use the powers then without wearing the elements as they got an upgrade then.

4504138 maybe but then I would have to figure out what weapons and abilities would get as their own instead of what they had for at least half of the story

4504148 Perhaps though if you need ideas you could ask the readers what they think each of the Mane 6 should get as a replacement ability/skill. Discuss and all that.

It would be very interesting to see a SU MLP crossover, there are a total of two on this site as far as I know and they are meh. I had an idea for one where Steven is launched from Earth after he gets into Peridot's escape pod and sent to Equestria, and has to interact with the main six and so on until the Gems arrive. Just a thought.

Well I won't be able to write this story anytime soon but I'm willing to help anyone who will try to write it

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