Displaced 4,443 members · 1,273 stories
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So, this is kinda a crazy idea. I was just looking up some characters on different wikipedias, when I thought to myself; 'What if there was a Displaced Wiki? Instead of talking about the original characters and their info, it talks about the Displaced. It would mention what their life was like before being Displaced (if it was ever mentioned or shown in a fanfic), talk about their powers a bit, and their personality. Maybe mention the other displaced they met or alliances/rivalries they formed. Perhaps talk about what the displaced has done after being displaced in a quick summary? Like if they were stoned, it could say 'Pre-stone era', and stuff like that. Maybe even links to wikis about the authors or whatever.

Kinda crazy, but seems like it might be interesting.

This actually seems like a good Idea. If any characters refer to a Displaced from another story, just simply use the link to the Displaced wiki. I'm all for this.

That could be a neat thing. Metric fuck-tons of work though.^^°

4507811 I like this idea. It's really good.



It already exists, though it's under the name of LoHAV and hasn't been touched in a while.

4507811 it's a good idea. Who's going to do it.l?

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THIS WIKI Edit Talk0
The LoHAV has disbanded for good.


That last sentence. I doubt it still is there.

But that sounds just crazy enough to work! I mean, there even is a SUPERPOWER-wiki...

4507811 It's a fun idea but are you willing to go through all the work of putting EVERY LAST DISPLACED on there?

4507811 If you make a site and link everyone to it, I know I will put my characters in there, along with details on a lot of other people.

If someone does make a wiki for the Displaced, then we need to make sure only those who have written stories in the group can edit the pages.

Had a few trolls editing pages on the old LoHAV wiki.

4507811 We'd need dedicated moderators and editors, but this sounds really good.

I... don't really see a point to a wiki to be honest. For something that is static and doesn't change often like a video game, a wiki is a good source of information. For something like a story though in which parts might be purposefully being hidden for the sake of writing, a wiki doesn't really make sense. Wiki's, as far as I can tell, are supposed to be the place you go when you need info and I just see too many cases where people won't be able to get any info due to a story just not having gotten to a point where the answers are there.

It's a pretty good idea, actually. If everyone will be serious about it, the Displaced could become an awesome MLP related fandom.

I'd like to introduce you to something called the Naruto wiki. Also, the Bleach wiki. The Fairy Tail wiki, Type-Moon wiki, etc.. I don't really understand why you think that a story can't have a wiki site. You do have a point that many Displaced stories just aren't that long, but the ones that are are often the ones that get many crossovers. And what if you want a multiple work crossover? Each fic adds to the amount you'd need to read if you want to participate, and some people just don't have the time.

The way I see it working, one author (henceforth known as Cirno) loves another author's (henceforth known as Marisa) work. Cirno decides that a crossover with Marisa's fic would be the best idea ever! Cirno goes over and asks Marisa to work on the crossover with her, but then Marisa says "I've never even heard of your fic before!". Cirno is obviously dismayed, Marisa can't help if she doesn't know anything about Cirno's character or setting, and Cirno has written over 50,000 words! But then... Ta-Da! Super Displaced Wikia Man arrives to save the day! Marisa quickly peruses the page for Cirno's fic, and learns enough to be able to help write the crossover. "Thank you Wikia Man!" They both shout as he flies off to help another despairing Displaced author...

Sorry, I felt like being a bit dramatic there. A wikia for Displaced could also help readers who forgot important details from earlier in the fic.

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