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As you might be able to guess from the title, I'm thinking of making a story based off of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengence. He would come out during the Changeling invasion of Canterlot, but that's the only really general change to it. Still the Merchant who sends him to Equestria, still part of the Displaced Multiverse, still kinda general in most ways.

What do you think, and can I actually have some more general knowledge of the Displaced Multiverse? Like Sys admins and stuff? I've only read about it in one or two stories that feature displaced, and I would like to know more.

4509498 The lore is on the main page, right under requirements. That'll answer your questions for the most part.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor

What Trombone said, plus there should be a sticky thread called displaced makers pantheon I think and it should have a gdoc detailing some alternatives to the merchant.


Thanks! But what do you think on the subject matter? A displaced Raiden?

4509723 I've never played Metal Gear games (I can feel people wanting to scream already) so I wouldn't be the best to ask. I just know Raiden is the techno ninja that cuts through everything... I think.

Imperium Bedlam
Group Contributor

Sounds awesome dude, go for it.

4509733 Basically yeah. I've only played Revengence, but Raiden also has massive strength to levels that he can lift giant robots the size of Devastator from Transformers Revenge of the fallen and throw them around, use a 50 foot long 5 foot wide blade from one of those robots effectively against them, is quick and agile enough to run and across walls and bounce along a missile barrage and deflect bullets, and his sword is a high frequency blade, which is a sword reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonates at extremely high frequencies. This oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing its cutting ability.

Edit: Strength levels are in the range of being able to lift several thousand tons, and he is also incredibly durable. I got the following paragraph from the Metal Gear Wiki:
Raiden's superhuman durability makes him virtually indestructible due to the parts of his body made entirely out of steel and artificial muscle fibers. Because of his durability, Raiden, at times, had to resort to self mutilation in order to get his missions done, such as stabbing himself with his own blade to subdue Vamp and slicing his own arm off to free himself from fallen debris so he could save Snake. In addition, his durability was such that he claimed that he was immune to the effects of microwave emitters. His first cyborg body's durability was relatively low as it was lacking armor and was obsolete with limited battlefield potential in 2018. With his second cyborg body his durability increased tremendously as demonstrated in Denver, Colorado after raiding World Marshal HQ. While escaping with Doktor, he fell off the cargo helicopter and survived largely intact, while leaving a large crater.

Also, he could sometimes generate electricity in his arms and focus them into punches.

4509766 What do you think of Raiden's abilities?

4509498 First off the title sounds more like its from BeyBlade then a Metal Gear Spin-off.

Second: Someone already beat you to it. But as nobody seems to care about this type of thing anymore, good luck.

4509498 I guessed beyblade...I guessed wrong

4509931 I knew I couldn't be the only one.

4510119 Yeah... did not even think about that...

:pinkiegasp:.........tTheres going to be so many MG Displaced!!:rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:

4511125 How many Metal Gear Displaced are there?

..I think two my kid raiden included...

4542979 but I have a feeling theres going to be more....

4542986 Well, Revengence Raiden is covered.

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