Displaced 4,443 members · 1,273 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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So, I had a bit of a brainwave, and thought; 'What if someone got displaced as a lego character, into a version of Equestria, where everything is made of legos like in the games.'
Maybe they would be;


or characters from other lego games. Maybe they would be sent to Equestria, and unlock ponies and characters to play as, as they go through the episodes of the show.

4514904 I'm tempted to put the Lego movie everything is awesome song... screw it!

4514904 Huh. Never thought of that! Interesting!

Trust me, you're not the first one to think of doing LEGO/MLP crossovers. A guy I know is bouncing around ideas for a LEGO displaced.

I don't see the appeal to be honest. How would it be different from an ordinary story? I was never that interested in Lego-X stuff, so I don't know much about it, but isn't it just stories told through a different medium (legos)? How would you write the story?

4514982 actually, the lego games are different than what they're based off of. I've been recently playing Lego Batman 3, and I've found numerous references to the original batman cartoon (the one with adam west). In most lego games, they're really silly, like someone might get teleported, and their legs will be on backwards, so they fix that, or batman (with a freeze suit), might give himself some ice cream using an ice cannon.

Make it of Lego Ninjago and you got yourself a follower.

4514982 4514904

This is true, there is nothing the Lego versions of other universes can offer that would be interesting, because all it is is using things from different mediums (ex. cartoons, live-action TV-shows and comics) and adding unnecessary silliness. If you were to use an original product line such as Bionicle, Ninjago, etc or even product lines that don't exist yet or were discontinued then that'd be one thing but using Lego DC, Marvel and others seems kind of pointless and sounds like you would be better off using the originals.

But then I could be wrong and someone could take this idea and turn it into something amazing.

4521897 Yeah, I thought about it some more, and thought, 'what if the human became a lego version of themselves?' and basically have them enter Equestria, and collect gold bricks, and save somebody from so many disasters (maybe Lauren Faust or Discord or something). Like you do the blue flu mission, and unlock Blue flu discord, or the power ponies mission, and get them as costumes for the mane six. It wouldn't be that interesting if someone became lego batman and got sent to Equestria.

4521926 I think it would work better if it was a regular crossover and not a Displaced.

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