Displaced 4,443 members · 1,273 stories
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4526812 Don't know maybe they think it about the same thing or theme.

Group Admin


4526812 Because of the fact that the LOHAV/LOHAH formula has been used too many times to count, and they see this as an unoriginal spinoff of it.

Or they're just unconditional assholes, I don't know.

4526812 Cause they think its either cliche or cookiecutter style fanfiction.

Wait People hate Displaced stories?
huh you learn something new everyday. Now my 2 cents on this would be that almost all of the stories start off with the Displaced turned to stone for logical or stupid reasons

For some of the reasons mentioned, as well as them being HiE style stories in a way. Quality of them varies widely so you never know if it'll be good or bad, or even how the crossovers with it will effect things.

Well there's the arguments that A. it's unoriginal B. its cheap attempt to imitate those who have gotten themselves featured and C. its an excuse to be lazy.

A. Mainly refers to the fact that a large amount of Displaced stories do tend to have common cliches among them (character gets stoned for misunderstanding or the princesses not liking how powerful they are, for instance)

B. There's a lot of people that think that people that write Displaced are just trying to get featured by imitating stories that have been featured rather than writing for the fun of it, so they get all pissy.

and C. I've seen instances where people think that people use Displaced as a way to write about a character without just saying they'll write the OG character OOC sometimes, rather than the fact that most authors are making the conscious choice to develop a new personality for the character (though I have to be brutally honest, a lot of Displaced seem to be carbon copies of the OG characters with slight differences to them. Not all but they're out there.) Plus a lot of Displaced do start off exactly the same (the same merchant at the same convention with the same actions etc.).

4526812 maybe they dislike the idea of a destructive race like humans messing up the pony world?

personaly i like the idea of somwone coming too equestria as a fictional character

but i personaly dont like the crosovers

y not make them self contained stories?

4526812 Adding on to what Archon is saying, there are a lot of Displaced stories that never finish before the author writes another two or three displace stories. But the biggest thing I've noticed is that nearly everyone has the displace meeting the main cast of mlp or were a brony before their arrival and thus know the events of the show.

In my own displace, my character not only starts off in the crystal empire but the show doesn't exist in her world so everything is new to her. If the majority of these stories would actually take the time to make a plot and not skip on the detail than likely the genre wouldn't have that much of a stigma.

4526915 OOC=Out of character

4526858 I find that an interesting premise to a story.

I would say it's b/c it seems unoriginal. Some get really cheesy with the romance. Like someone pull out the crackers and wine for that one. Shits getting wrecked and for some odd reason I somehow believe and find myself wondering if Celestial is a rascist. Changelings Are treated like dirt. Use of seasons 1-5 material be thrown out the door or twisted up... Hmmm. I'm pretty sure there's more but this is on top of my head. And yes. I do like some displaced stories. The wizard with a list of titles is my favorite out of them. Am I overthinking some of these reasons? Maybe but these are only the opinion of guy. Make that what you will.


Some of it is the Mary Sue/Gary Stu effect. The rest is that at times, the stories can verge onto the formulaic.

4526961 Well when the people start to get beyond overpowered it starts to become ungodly ridiculous.

4527062 basically the mary sue syndrome

4526906 This is why I had the show start after Jason got displaced. It was a great WTF moment when he and some ponies went to his earth and ended up at a bring con

I always thought it was because so many were poorly written, with grammar mistakes everywhere, because the characters act completely OOC most of the time, etc..

Also, events just happen occasionally with no real basis, like the whole imprisonment deal that nearly every Displaced fic uses. Celestia would never just imprison someone because of their power, especially if they were Celly's ally. Has everyone forgotten that it was her who decided it would be a good idea to let Discord out of the stone prison? It's even worse when Tia decides to slaughter all of the Displaced's friends and adopted family beforehand. I'm thinking body-snatchers, or maybe Nightmare possession in those cases, it's just too out of character.

I do agree that most of the crossovers are poorly thought out, and often detract from the original story. I'm assuming that sometimes it's done well, but I can't think of any instances off the top of my head. Actually, can anyone recommend a story that has a crossover that was well written? I'd like to see how they did it.

4527379 I have the same assumption. Have you read, 'when lightning strikes
...'? Did/does a lot of crossovers, I don't think I does well. I would like to hear your take on it.

452681 Since when do people actually need a reason to hate something?

4527379 You could try my main story "And Then There Were 10...Er...67"

4526812 Same what others said but including the fact that in Fimfic there are people that dislike human in equestria in general.

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