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Can't believe I forgot to post something like this before :facehoof:

at any rate, my character, The Guardian from A Guarding Light is in need of an ally in order to repel a Fallen invasion from Ponyville.

I shall stand up to the challenge *poses heroically*

Give Jason a ring.

*Nah intensifies*

Iron man will blast them to hell.

Sure, why not.
About to totally screw over my character, so let's do it even more! XD

Red, Green, or blue?

I missed out big time... I wanted to do it...

It would be my first, yet can't I am still in the process of my story. My character couldn't do a token yet until he absorbs enough chaos energy. The robot will join only if Harmony completely agrees and stops time while he is in another universe.

Sure why not? For my character it's just a regular Tuesday.

4530941 I see you got a few people willing...

Are you still accepting?


Spawn, Black Alice (no relation to the one from Wonderland) and Asura would love to help. Count us in.

umm... WOW was NOT expecting so many people to offer :twilightoops:

I think I'll take 4530981 up on his offer of Jason though :pinkiehappy:

sorry to everyone else, but I hope you all will remember me in future when you need an ally :pinkiehappy:

4531252 just send me a pm.

whenever you need help just drop me a message

The Zakus are ready to assist you anytime and would love to raise some hell on the Fallen.

I take offense to this. Skolas does not approve of this message.

Group Admin

Take your pic of mine

4531885 'tis fine if Skolas does not approve of this message dear sir, The Guardian has no personal 'beef' with the Kell of Kells, as long as said Kell of Kells desires no harm upon the peaceful land of Equestria. Unfortunately, the Fallen of The Guardian's home reality wish harm upon the land he calls home and have killed innocent bystanders. I am sure the Kell of the Crystal Empire would agree that Fallen whom harm innocents must be punished, and if they desire to fight back, then they deserve to be put down like the dogs that they are.

Thank you for your time :twilightsmile: now good day sir

(I had fun writing this. although, on an unrelated note, I do hope that The Guardian can meet the Kell of the Crystal Empire some day :pinkiehappy:)

4532759 When I woke up today to read this is was my response.

Kell of Kells hears his magical space pager go off and pulls it out to read the message.
Response is a big fat: Wot
Skolas: I do not approve of this message...then again those Fallen ain't mine...but then again they might say that all Fallen are bad.
Skolas: Someone get me my PR group...I better go make a statement before shit hits the fan.

(And on your unrelated note, your guardian can but I can sure as hell bet that it will get extremely awkward and uncomfortable moment.)

4533059 The Guardian does not approve of the notion that he believes that ALL Fallen are evil, on the contrary my good Kell of Kells! The Guardian believes that they are simply lost, following a lifestyle that is unfortunately fitting to a nomadic lifestyle, and He believes that if the Fallen were to find a place where they would no longer require piracy or other dastardly means of acquiring nourishment or materials, then they could possibly return to their noble roots, perhaps with a small push.

P.S. and if the Kell of Kells wishes to know what The Guardian plans to do with the Fallen of his native world once their Kell falls, it is simple; He wishes to give them a merciful ultimatum, either accept him as their Kell and return to their noble roots, or never return to equestria in fear of extermination

(ah, but that's the fun part! :pinkiehappy: besides, unless the Kell of the Crystal Empire attacks first, The Guardian will stay neutral, he's nice like that :twilightsmile:)

4534351 Well if you wish to be their Kell first you must have a big ass cape of authority, have a Ketch, a Prime Servitor and an Archon. The last three are a must but the cape is optional.

4534490 is the cape truly optional though

4530941 I'm a little late

4535645 Not really, but if your a Hunter then the cape is required.

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