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Comments ( 5 )
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So, I was thinking of ideas for future parts in some of my stories, and was just wondering something. Could a pony character be considered out of character if the story had an alternate universe tag? I mean, if Celestia is a jerk who seals of a Displaced just because they look different, and have powers, or if Luna goes crazy and starts killing ponies just to kill a single displaced or something, would they be considered out of character, even if the story had an alternate universe tag? Because I've seen some stories (not always displaced) but they have an alternate universe tag, and people complain in the comments about how 'Celestia is Ooc.' and stuff like that.

I don't really want to start a debate, I was just curious what people think about this matter.


I believe that as long as you have the AU tag, and an in story reason as to the altered behavior, it should be fine and justifiable.


in story reason

And when people ask, it's cryptic and will be explained later because the Author doesn't have a single fucking clue.

While some may be chalked up to others simply following a trend without giving it much thought, I would posit that for those who know what they are doing, it is a form of projection at ones feelings of inability to control their world because someone else already has a good deal of power, and holding the pessimistic view that 'ultimate power corrupts ultimately' rather than acknowledging the control they truly have because if they had control then it would also mean they not only have responsibilities but can also be personally blamed for when things don't go their way.
And personally, I like to counter that lazy, defeatist saying with 'With ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility', but that's just me.

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4537918 OR because it is a huuuuuuuuuuge spoiler.

Like when Celestia in truth is the undead slave of a necromancer, that would be a huge spoiler if they find out about the 'true' villain(necromancer) through that.

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