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Alex Prior
Group Contributor

Basically, I was wondering.

There are summoning threads, token threads and even a token spreadsheet, but...
How would one figure out whether the authors are currently busy with their characters, or if there'd be availabilities or such.

The question maily stirs from my own problems with asking things, specifically my fears of a negative answer. Shorely i can't be the only guy around here with such problems, can I?
(naturally, the second need for such a question would be that our story is soon in need of an ally, and I dare not ask in fear of rejection.)

Anyway, yeah. Is there a definite way of knowing who'd be available to whoever needs help?
I shall await the answer.

To be completely honest, I guess you just have to ask. The competent authors will give you a polite explanation to why it doesn't suit them at the moment and give you a date when they're free. I myself have a really screwed up crossover schedule. I have a few of them lined up and it's been months since some of them contacted me. Unfortunately I'm making them wait but such is my situation with my story. I think there will never really be a way to know unless the authors all post it in their stories or something, but the way I do it is just cue em all up. (Not the best solution, but it has worked for me so far.)

>tfw your story is literally top 5 with 1600 upvotes amongst 300+ other stories
>nobody asked for a crossover yet

I actually could use a crossover, because I'm trying to further the plot but people want more silliness, so a non-canon chapter could help out, a lot.

Just PM the author. it's as simple as that.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

I suppose. Yet...

The question mainly stirs from my own problems with asking things, specifically my fears of a negative answer.

Well, it IS a problem for me.

4537985 Personally, I also have that fear, but most of the writers here will say something polite, even if it's negative. Then again, I am a person that does not get agitated very easily (except in a few circumstances). Several times I have said, "Alright, just PM this guy, if he says no, okay, I'll just keep writing. If he says yes, yay, good stuff, plan for collab time."

I'm sure quite a few people would be happy to have an availability thread so other authors could scroll through and ask, but I have had no trouble in finding people to collab with via PM. This is just me, but I bite the bullet and send out a message to the writer that I would wish to collab with.

(The most negative answer I got was about the author needing a little more time to get a couple chapters out, so I would have to wait until that happened.)

4537985 Well you could always just ask me, my displaced isn't doing important at the moment besides ruling an empire, and preventing a political backstabbing uprising, and political fallout, foreign intervention, foreign invasion, personal problems and of the sorts.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

Yeah, nothing "important".

4537985 You just need to ask. Most people aren't going to laugh at you or think themselves better than you for asking. People have asked me before to do a crossover and I've turned them down. It was mostly because I couldn't find the time to work with them at the moment. Another reason is that I can't just fit 10 crossovers into a story, it can get chaotic. It pained me that I had to pick and choose who I worked with.

I remember when I made my first displaced fanfic, it took a while but several people 'pm'ed me asking for a crossover. Now, it's been months since I finished my story, and even after agreeing to each of their crossovers, I haven't done it with any of them.

4537902 In answer to your question I just ask, I mean yeah I understand your fear (I felt it when I asked to crossover with Gilgamesh's author) but as the saying goes: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". I suppose one could create a thread with a link to a doc where one could put down their availability but I don't know how well that'll work.

4537912 4537902

If you want I'll crossover with you.

As they are all saying, we understand your fear, but we are also here to support you. I have a bit of a crappy scedual but would love to cross over if we can ^-^

I feel the same, and to be honest, i am happy that my story is not far enough to start the crossover. But i have planed for one to happen in the 3 or 4 chapter, and I am afraid at this point already ^^. It is the same feeling i had as i uploaded my story, but it was worse in my imagination then it was in reality.

So just ask, most of the time the worst fear only exist in our heads ^^.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

Well, there IS another problem.

Why must most of the Displaced be all dark and gritty and stuff?

4543105 I was gonna say I might be available once I actually make my story, but It's gonna be based off of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising, so that might be a bit dark and gritty.

Alex Prior
Group Contributor

Yeah, none of that really works from our wacky, cartoony setting. Although there IS a full-blown invasion coming up.

4543105 My story isn't dark and gritty. If I had to describe it, each chapter seems like it would be part of an actual cartoon or anime, and I have taken pains to make sure that the setting stays at least a little bit lighthearted. It's really up to how the authors write their stories.

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