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Comments ( 7 )
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Alright. We are 700+ stories into this group, I think it is time we buckle down and reorganize our folders. I'm not an admin so my word is not law.
I have some ideas but I won't be putting then into this thread but in separate threads. So as to focus on them and avoid unessescary noise. If you guys think this is a good idea, I'll make a thread regarding: POWER LOTTO, WAR OF UNDERSTANDING, and THE SAVED NOTES. What do you guys think?

Group Admin

4543815 Firstly, why do they need to be re organized? And secondly, the admins are trying to get things under control, but it is an apparent pain in the rectum.

4543829 I think the folders can be better and I would just like to share my ideas on how that can be done. What do you think about the folders?

Group Admin

4543843 What I think about the rest of the group; Its all a college student's dorm room with a massive fucking mess hurricane. Hence why the admins are trying to get things under control if it weren't for a certain one that likes to make even more of a mess. I, however, do wish to hear you out, what are your ideas?

4543862 I have 3 ideas right now. The first was already stated. The second one regards the incomplete/complete and not accepting crossovers folder. The third will be abou the power scale. If I have more ideas I'll make threads for them just like the others. I'll make a thread on the first one soon.

Group Admin

4543891 You are just listing ideas, not saying what they are besides re-organizing them...

4543996 I know, I'll be giving each their own thread.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 7