Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
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Here a idea I had. It basically is that several different Displaced ended up on the same planet because of cosmic hiccup at different times and places, because of different displace makers wanted to see what would happen, as some kinda join project

Group Contributor

4548126 *cough*
1.There are some fiction with more than one Displaced, most focussing on only one. If that is not what you mean, then
2. there is a collaboration of Warframe-Displaced (written by different authors), which were displaced by some different Displacers.

If you mean from different franchises...

3. See point one. There is a Ben 10-Displaced with Xemnas.

4548154 *cough*

A displaced spin on Chess game of God's

Group Contributor

4548183 'kay.

So pracitcally with different franchises & authors, possibly partially Power-Lottery.

4548126 wait, do you mean crossovers?

4548555 Kinda, in a CGoGs nature with tokens flying everywhere for each character which non token crossovers happen

4548614 huh...I could do that

4548614 Although my displaced characters are my own original characters, would that still work? Or even count as a displaced?

4548668 power lotto and Ocs may count as Displaced.

4548668 not really if the abilities of the costume are your complete original creation that while the character technically counts as displaced in most of the lore no one would really know the history of the costume. Really makes one heck of a headache trying to understand it.

4548719 Since when did the concept of some tall guy at a convention handing out random objects for free which sent people to a world of pastel coloured ponies make sense?

4548719 just saying. But I get what you mean, but these aren't costumes that are my characters, they are just like that. I'm kind of a weird writer.

4548719 Nice OC by the way

4548736 usually the merchant sells items that was collected from various established universes that go with a costume a person is wearing. One exception is Jason Hughes. Power lotto have a different way of being displaced as they usually have some kind of accident that opens a rift in time/space that takes them to equestria with abilities from the energy of the rift or gets sent through their computer. The merchant would not know which items would fit your character to get the results needed. And I'm typing this with a deadpanned expression just so you know. And that's not really a oc that's what I would like to look like if I was born in equestria. Think of it like firebrand on the brony analysis comunity.

4548762 Still wanna take part though. What if I create a new displaced character just for the story, following the basic displaced rules. Would that work?

4548774 that will do. I'm thinking of doing a final fantasy advent children displaced of cloud strife as I really liked the weapon he used in that movie.

4548782 That's good enough for me, I'm thinking of doing something from the ratchet and clank series, maybe a Galactic Ranger or something.

4548785 there are multiple versions of the same costume in the displaced take Gilgamesh for example there's different versions like the final fantasy one or the fate/stay night one. So you can very well do that.

4548795 Smart, I haven't played or seen final fantasy yet but I get what you mean. I wasn't just going to do the basic Ranger. There is a few different designs floating about the internet, I'll find a good one.

My concern is that if you had several Displaced from different authors interacting, at least one of the authors will end up halting the story because of RL issues, or they decide they aren't interested anymore, etc.. What do you plan to do if an author drops out in the middle of a conflict centering on their Displaced?

Just so you know, there's a button called 'edit' in the top right corner of your messages. You can use it to change or add to your original message, you don't need to double or triple post.

4548867 I'll uh...take that into account...

4548867 either two things, one ask if another author is willing to add it as a supporting character, or B use a way to move it away I have a Dweller for that

4548126 Interesting... Meh, I'd read it... Could I help?

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