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Hi, I've started to write a Displaced fic and have gotten the first chapter pretty far along. I'm having trouble thinking of a token for my character though since he's not a preconceived character.

Here's what I'm working with. He's been turned into a Primordial Dragon (used this as a reference but have changed him so he's not so OP), iridescent scales, is much bigger than a normal dragon, barely remembers his life before he got turned into a dragon since it's been so long for him.

So, yeah. Having a hard time figuring out what his token should be. Any suggestions or tips?

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4559774 Possibilities:

Scales, because they represent him.

Liquid or solid fire.

For his abilities.

An hourglass where endless sand ( or fire) comes from the top and vanishes into the bottom.

For his lifetime, and the time he belonged to.

Claws and teeth.

For his status as one of the strongest predators.

A book with the title 'Horror of time'.

For the fear he induces in others through his presence and power, and his long lifetime including the horror of seeing everything wither away.

Something small from his home, maybe a bunch of keys because he is able to open doors, and walked through an opened door (and became a Displaced).

You could also combine these, keep in mind there are other possibilites also.

Is he Draig or Big Red from high school Dxd. Oh wait he is primordial so he is stronger than those two. It would be easier to know a character name, yet if he is just from those series. I would guess a scale, tooth, a mass of energy into a ball, a chibi dragon, or a serious case a gem from his hoard.

4559789 Thanks, all of those options are great and will definitely help in the decision process. There are some that you listed that I didn't even consider. Once again, thank you so much.

4559774 A single scale, bathed in dragon fire.

I believe something simple, like an object from his hoard (if he has one.)

Something that I would find interesting if it happened to be his token would be this.

The idol of Boreas!

4559792 He's not from any series. I created him. His name is Draigo (work in progress). I got that from the Warhammer 40k series though.

mmmmm I never know much about the Warhammer 40k so I would choose from solarkness possibilities. Plus, I would agree with fictional fanatic to something simple.

4559899 The only thing I took from Warhammer 40k is the name, nothing else.

Oh um I have no idea what to say. Other than sorry for bothering you about the previous comments. I still wonder what token you chosen or is that a spoiler and I have to read to find out.

4560067 It's alright, no harm no foul. I'm still figuring out the token but I'll make sure it post it on this thread, once I figure it out.

Are they one of the following?
Midgardsormr (Final Fantasy XIV
Galakrond (World of Warcraft
Deathwing (World of Warcraft
Numeron Dragon (Yugioh
ZeXal (Guild Wars 2Diablo series
Divine Dragon (The Legend of Dragoon
Echidna (Greek Mythology
Great Red (Highschool DxD

4560253 Did you read the entire thread? I think you missed a bit. Here's what I said earlier.

He's not from any series. I created him. His name is Draigo (work in progress).

4560315 ehehe...
sorry... i may have missed that...:facehoof:...eh...
other than being a primordial dragon, is there any special powers/abilities he has? Because that would probably play a large factor in the token.

4560507 Well, I used this site as a reference and then made it less OP.

Plucks a scale from his hide. Bam.

4560507 I know he is planning to give him elemental manipulation.

Other than elemental manipulation, and possibly immortality, what abilities will be have.
If elemental manipulation is his main one, his token could bea sphere of all of the elements.

4561397 Here's a list of his powers. Also, he doesn't have a hoard.

Absolute Attack
Absolute Defense- nerfed to extremely high defense
Absolute Immortality- nerfed, he can't truly die but his body can be destoryed, it turns into a different element each time it is destroyed. It takes him 24 hours to reform his full body and an hour to form a body a little bigger than Celestia, with less power though until he can return to his full body.
Divine Slayer
Dragon Creation
Dragon Manipulation- He bends dragons to his will
Dragon Physiology- has a it's own abilities. A few include: shapeshifting, magic immunity, and omnilingual
Elemental Manipulation
Fear Inducement
Fearful Scream
Supernatural Condition

His measurements for his usual dragon form are: overall length 240 feet, body length 66 feet, neck length 66 feet, tail length 108 feet, body width 30 feet, standing height at his should is 44 feet, minimum and maximum wingspan are 120 feet and 270 feet respectively, weight is 3.56 million pounds that is made mainly of muscle

Any questions on his abilities? Here's Primordial Dragon Physiology

Options that I'm highly considering:

Endless hour glass of the four elements, like Solarkness described.

One of his scales (could be bathed in his dragon fire), scaled down to pocket size.

A vial of solid plasma, since it's concentrated element.

Finally, arm guards made of his scales to represent the protection he offers to those that are deemed worthy.

Still, thinking of his message to put with his token though.

4561803 that is a nice sized dragon.:twilightsmile:
he is very powerful. I have to say, all options so far are very good ideas.
though with what he could say? Depends o his character. If he is good, neutral or evil or somewhere in between.

4562012 Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I took the measurements of a colossal gold dragon from d& 3.5 and then I doubled them since he's a primordial.

the omnilingual is just an example of what the dragon physiology adds. There's a few others but they are not as major as the ones listed.

I'm making him fairly neutral though heavily leaning towards good. He's not the ruler of the other dragons since his ability to bend them to his will would be too easy for corruption to take over him.

Okay, I've decided to go with my modified version of Solarkness' hourglass idea. From the top the four elements will fall endlessly, swirling as they descend only to disappear. The other end will be empty of course. If you flip it or turn it the elements will continue flowing heedless of the hourglass's position.

Now, I just need to think of what he's going to say. Easy, right? I don't think so.

Thank you to everyone who helped and showed an interest. I really appreciate it.

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