Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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What if someone was sent to equestria with the mask from the movie " the mask" but if this has already been done can I have the link or some hint because this seems like it would be a good story

never let Pinkie meet this guy. reality would be destroyed XD

4562309 I am writing chapter 1 of a displace Mask that I called Somebody stop me. ^^

ATTENTION DISPLACE!! Numbers attack!

While I am working on my other displace fics I also started chapter 3 of Dark Magic Attack and that when I got a idea. Where Cupcake Rainbow Dash by a slip up or under a trance open a gate that frees the number card monsters from Yu-gi-oh Zexal. Those Numbers go out and enter other Equestria ones with the Displace in them to cause chaos. If you like this idea let me know.

4562321 you ate my new favorite

4562325 Sorry but there can be more than one displace Mask

4562329 ima fallow you so I don't miss it's release

An interesting idea, but I would personally suggest the mask from the comics. Allows for a more personal touch by the author to explore their own 'maddness' rather than the cartoon show's imbecilities.

Good call, let the universe think she's the worst. Just so long as no one mentions anyo- pony else, we'll be fine. No squaring of chaos for this universe baby.

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