Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
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I have a question for you all. Which would you prefer for a displaced fic? The Crystal Gems?

Or the Homeworld Gems?

I prefer The Crystal Gems for heroics while the Homeworld Gems for comedy or gore. So I am guessing Homeworld since rarely done.


Crystal gems for the win (though a paradot fic wouldnt be to bad):twilightsmile:

I like lapis but hate jasper so its tricky question

Why not both? Like maybe the homeworld gems travel to Equestria to like create a new kindergarden or escape the crystals. But they follow them there anyway. Just a thought.

I'd love to do a crossover if you do make it.

4562514 Thanks. Which one would you prefer and why though?

4562520 well we already have a Pearl Displaced and Jason got a scan off her, I think it would be a fun idea.

Homeworld. Hell, I would help with writing this if the need arose! You got me all pumped up! And I'm with Shago, Whenevs this happens I'd love a cross with one of my stories!

Though doing the Crystal Gems would be difficult. Wouldn't the Garnet one need to be two Displaced in one? Or would that be like them developing a split personality?

4562523 Can you send me a link?

4562527 Yeah, there would be Ruby and Sapphire displaced.

It would be more fun to be a group of cosplayers, especially if we include Rose Quartz and Stevonnie

Neither. Both are cancer.

Homeworld sounds awesome, but I hate jasper

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

Why not do two stories, one for the Homeworld Gems and one for the Crystal Gems, but have them in the same world at different time periods. That way, you could merge them and either live out your Homeworld Reformation fantasies (Homeworlds join the Crystals), your Flip fantasies (Homeworld=Good, Crystal=Bad), or any other Steven Universe AUs there are. Either way, you satisfy more people by making both stories and can bounce from one to the other if you reach a block in one of them.

Or not. Your choice. If you still can't decide, I'd recommend leaving it to fate by flipping a coin. Heads is Crystal, Tails is Homeworld. That's what I do with my story ideas.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

Also, I also have a Steven Universe Displaced coming up, though mine are all OC Gems. I'd love to cross with you when this one's posted if that's okay with you. With the Gems or one of my other fics. Your choice.

Crystal Gems would mainly stick to themselves,and rarely interact with the world unless it's gem related business or Steven's shenanigans.

Homeworld on the otherhand, would see the biggest plot relation, as the crystal gems in the show acknowledged magic, and the war in the past partly involved draining the Earth's lifeforce to make more gems. Imagine Homeworld's delight to find a world practically saturated in the stuff, would they conquer it? Drain it like they tried with Earth? Can the Equestrians or anyone in the world challenge a species that are nearly immortal beings of immense strength and power?

Some write this

4569028 Funnily enough, I have decided to include both of them as displaced and I plan to do both of those AUs for the fanfic. I've tried searching for a Steven Universe AU but the only one I found is Big Bro Steven. AUs seem to be more of a Gravity Falls thing. There's an AU I've thought of which would have Opal instead of Garnet. The only thing I'm currently flipping a coin over is who the main character should be. Sure, I'd love to cross:twilightsmile:.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

The AUs I know of are as follows. They are not necessarily fully fleshed out, however.
Big Bro Steven - you know of this, clearly
Flip - Lapis, Jasper and Peridot swap places with Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, making the Crystal Gems the agents of Homeworld. Yellow Diamond becomes Steven's mother and Rose Quartz commands Homeworld.
Reformed - exactly what it sounds like, the Homeworld Gems join the Crystal Gems.
Sans-Garnet - like you said, instead of Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, you have Ruby, Sapphire and Opal.
Generic Humanised AU - no Gems, just a sort of West Side Story world. The Crystal Gems and Homeworld are rival gangs.
Schoolyard - basically Equestria Girls for Steven Universe
Infinite AU - basically anything with an OC gem in it. Like the Howlite comics.

I'm sure there are more, but they escape me right now.

4569070 So the Opal AU is a thing? Cool, where can I find that and the flip au? All I found on the Opal thing is this on Tumblr:

They're more difficult to find than GF.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

I'm not sure if there are actually any images of the Flip AU, but I know of a fic on Fanfiction.net depicting it. They basically re-work the show around Jasper, Lapis and Peridot. Jasper replaces Amethyst ans the fun but stupid one, Peridot replaces Pearl as the uptight smart one, and Lapis replaces Garnet as the calm, controlled leader.

I don't think that there's a blog or anything for Ruby Sapphire and Opal, but I would recommend Ask-Crystal-Peridot. It's pretty damn moving to be fair, and provides some insight as to what Homeworld might actually be like.

4569094 Hold on, I just found something for Opal:

4569028 4562527 4562514 4563227 4568033 4569054 4562506 4562478 4562717 4562484 >> 4562473
Here's a peak of what's in store for the fic:

I tapped on my keyboard angrily. I had got myself caught in a flame war with someone.

"I shouldn't have gotten myself into this." She grumbled. "But I'm in this now, and I'm not going to let some hater tell me how to live." I grumbled. Soon, a reply popped up while she was watching a funny video. "Maybe mum's right, maybe I am too competitive."

Speaking of my mum, it was her birthday tomorrow. Of course, I had panicked earlier when I realised that I still hadn't gotten her anything. It wasn't my fault though, I had been spending most of my time... thinking about what to get her. Yeah most of the things I could think of had already been bought by me, dad or some other family member. Luckily, I had found a guy who was selling jewellery for a real cheap price. It didn't seem to be fake or broken or anything, so yeah. I would've questioned it more, but I was very desperate and had little time left, so I just bought something and left. Mum liked collecting diamonds and gems and all that; it was her hobby since she was a geologist.

The guy gave it to me in a small box, which I still needed to wrap. There was still some leftover wrapping paper from dad's gift, so it was easy to get. Before I did that, I wanted to opened the lid of the box and got one last look at it. What did the guy say it was called? Perry- dots? I know I had heard the name of the gem before somewhere. It didn't matter, my mum would probably know. My vision began to blur for some reason, so I picked it up to get a closer look at it. My eyesight suddenly got worse as I fell to the ground. The last thing I remember was the gem painfully landing on my head.

(3rd person POV).

"Is this where the Princess said she might be?"

"Well she was last sighted around here, that is what Princess Celestia said."

"Come on, we've been searching for hours, I don't think that this thing is here."

"And we still have not yet searched the whole area." Shining Armour said. "I don't want to be out here either, but the sooner we find it, then the sooner we can leave."

"I still don't believe that it's here."

"Are you doubting the princesses, soldier?"

"Well it doesn't help that her entire hunch is based off of a book captain."

"Regardless, we'll spilt up once again and search the remainder of the area. If she's not here, then we'll leave." They kept searching through the stone quarry, trying to find her. Their efforts so far had been fruitless. They had been looking around for several hours, with not one trace of anypony else being there. Shining was with another unicorn and a pegasus. They all looked around, and couldn't find a thing. They had already searched the area where she was sighted, now they were checking in neighbouring areas. This was one of the last areas that they were checking before they were to return. Shining looked around, but all he could see were two stone walls. He stopped when he heard something. It was a small tapping, as if something small was walking. The sound was faint, but Shining could definitely hear it.

"Storm Streak, fly up." Shining pointed upwards. "See if there's anything up there." Storm Streak was a light grey pegasus with a cyan mane. He flew up to see if there was anything up. "Nothing so far, I d- hold on." He stopped as he eyed a rather peculiar rock. It was light green with four circles on the bottom. It was also very shiny. Storm stared at it curiously.

"Hey, I found this odd rock." He called out to the others, but then looked at it more closely. "Actually it looks more like a metal on the other hoof."

"Bring it down here." Shining replied. Storm nodded and grabbed the spherical object. When he was bringing it down, a compartment opened up and blasted a liquid at him.

"Argh!" It went straight in his eyes, causing him to drop the sphere. While it was falling, legs came out of the circular marks and it landed on all four of them. It then crawled away.

"What is that thing?" Ember Spark thought aloud. Her red eyes blinking repeatedly.

"I have no idea." Shining responded. "We need to follow it to see where it goes." They all tailed it. They stopped when it went under another small hole. Shining blasted the hole to create a space for them to walk through. When they went they saw more and more of them.

"What do you think they are?" Storm questioned. "Some kind of animal?"

"I think it's more like an insect." Ember commented.

"Hold on " Shining whispered. "I think I see some sort of light." They kept walking until they were in a room of sorts. It was a small room with only two items. One was a shiny platform, and the other was a chair.

"It's clear that something lives here." Shining said. "This is definitely a clue." Before he could think even further, he heard something and saw a light. They all shot around to see a bunch of rocks, with one that looked very peculiar. It had a multitude of green colours on it.

"This one is especially odd." It's similar to the description, meaning it was probably also made by our target so we should bring it back." Just as he said that, they were blinded by a light and the rock fell out of is magic. Once the light stopped, the rock was nowhere to be found, and they could hear hoofsteps.

"Follow that sound." Shining ordered. They ran through the huge hole they had created and saw something running away, and it was exactly like what Celestia had described. "Stop!" Shining made a barrier out of magic and saw it clearly, and she stared back at them with her light green eyes, covered by her visor. She was bipedal appeared to be wearing a lot of clothing. Her mane was pale green with a tint of yellow and done up in a vaguely triangular shape. However, the strangest thing about this creature was that she had five appendages floating around both forehooves.

"By order of Princess Celestia, we will need you to come with us." He said.

"Ugh, I thought she gave up on searching for us thousands of years ago. Why resume it now?" She rolled her eyes.

"What's your name?" Storm asked.

"What's yours?"

"I'm Shining Armour, these two are Storm Streak and Ember Spark."

"I guess you can call me Peridot."

I hope you all enjoyed it. Some things you should know are that the grammar has not yet been checked. Also this isn't all of what I've done, but some of the scenes are still unfinished, such as introducing the other characters. There will also be Crystal Gem displaced but they won't be introduced in this chapter. The fic will be called "Gems of Power".

4569079 minus the grammar mistakes this looks promising can't wait:twilightsmile:

Lapis lazuli is the best Homeworld gem

4579405 This version hadn't been checked for grammar yet. The actual story is out now and that's been checked for grammar.

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