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Hi there. Due to various psychoses, social issues and such, I have trouble doing much of anything relating to other people without breaking down in indecision or something. I have also reached a point in writing my displaced story where I am considering mentioning other writer's character's "displaced tokens" and would very much like to know whether there's any procedure for doing so. Should I just write a couple existing tokens into the story? Should I ask the authors first? Is there a specific way I need to write them in?

Thanks in advance.


You need to ask the authors if they will do a crossover with you before you use their token.

After another chapter or two I will gladly crossover with you.:twilightsmile:


The way I see it there's no real need to ask permission to mention other Displaced tokens. I know some writers care, but I personally do not. I do, however, need to know if you plan on using it since my token is... different than most others.

As far as a procedure, all tokens usually appear the same way and all of them have a phrasing attached to them. When you first mention a token, there will always be a saying from the Displaced it belongs to. You should be able to find it in the official token thread.

You can have their token pop up, but you need to ask the authors permission before use.

4562643 chapter or 2 of your story or mine?

Also, I'm asking about having the part of most displaced stories I've read where the main character encounters a token or 2 from other displaced and proceeds to create their own to send out. I'm not ready for a crossover yet I think.


Another chapter or two of mine.

Also, I'm asking about having the part of most displaced stories I've read where the main character encounters a token or 2 from other displaced and proceeds to create their own to send out.

I think it can work like that but I haven't seen any like that. Usually a token appears then the Displaced is summoned then stuff happens and teach's the Displaced without a token how to make one.

4562740 http://www.fimfiction.net/story/262558/wub-me-or-hate-me
both have the character encounter the tokens then promptly send out their own. Also, I've only read a few displaced stories. I just really liked those few and decided to write my own addition to the uni(multi? poly?)verse, so I only really know what was done in those ones from the reader's perspective.

4562647 Actually, there is one token that I know about that does not have a phrase attached to it. Dahaka's token. (I call it the Orb of Greenosity)


Weird... How could they know what or how to make a token just by seeing a token?

4562636 some tokens have abilities outside summoning, Example, Deathwing's Dragon soul allows limited earth and weather control., and Loki's fang can negate reality warping


well, I guess I'll finish another chapter and possibly start asking about a crossover afterwards.

Group Admin

It's not outside the realm of possibility for a Displaced to make a token on their own. Even my own Kat did that just out of an instinct by being near a void portal. What I recommend is doing some quick research to make sure you're using totems that were actually sent out. I don't believe Gilgamesh's token was sent out and is gifted individually, to give an example.

And it is referred to as the Displaced MULTIverse. Hope that clears things up a little bit.

4562847 give my stories a try!

4562636 I personally see no harm in merely mentioning that you have them and using them ( if they have extra abilities) however utilizing them for a crossover does require permission.

4563012 Gilagamesh's token was indeed sent out.

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