Displaced 4,444 members · 1,274 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Are there any displaced fics where a human becomes Lord Dhaos?

No idea whom that is.

4570660 Dhaos is the antogonist of the game (Tales of Phantasia)

4570673 Ah. Heard that was good. Unfortunately, never got to try that. Heck, many games I've been unable to try due to lack of time and money. Still trying to complete some of the other games I'm playing, actually.

4570658 No, I don't think anyone has done that.

4570693 buck then again almost nopony crosses the Tales of Series with MLP

4570702 Yeah.... No one............

*leaves to go rage into a pillow.*

Is sad, right? :fluttershysad:

I reeeeeeaaally want to see something like Kratos from Tales of Symphonia get a d'aaw attack from somepony.:rainbowlaugh:

Oh yeah, and I also have a Dhaos costume for Milla in Tales of Xillia, which I'm playing right now.

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