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Dear sweet merciful gods of heaven and hell, I actually think I may have mapped the Multiverse.

It's so hard to explain it.... So I'll just copy and paste the rambling and ranting I managed to catch on paper when my mind went into overdrive just a few moments ago. It looks like I was trying to discern why certain timelines move faster then others when displaced travel through them, and... holy mother of god I used a bike to help describe it... Seriously, I can't even remember why I started to type this. I just.... did. So here, I'll put it in a giant quote box and be done with it. I'll store this away into whatever folder on Google docs that I see fit later. My brain hurts.

In many forms of literature, Time is seen to both distort between dimensions or be completely unaffected. Why is this? My theory is that the very shape and nature of the multiverse is to blame, as it exists on a fourth dimensional level just like our minds. To explain further, we will need to first explain the shape of the multiverse.

First take a sphere with two polar centers. Now pull those centers down into the very core of the sphere and merge them into one point in space. It looks like a wheel or donut now right? Well, now take the equator of the sphere that was between those two poles and collapse it into the center as well. Are you imagining two whirlpool like shapes meeting at the same point in space as their edges? Or two donuts pressed against each other? The shape you’re now imagining is known as a “Toroidal Sphere.” It has no edges, only one point, and two surfaces that flow in opposing directions from the center, out towards the surface along the equator’s original position, and back up the sides to the top, where it flows down into the center once more, all while moving in a spiral dependent on which hemisphere of the shape it's on.

This is the shape of one ‘layer’ of the multiverse. From that layer, we are given several points of information. First is the center, where all of the edges become a single point. This is the very core of existence itself. Where there is only one thing, and that is everything. The next piece of information is from the surface of the shape. The direction it flows is the same as the path a “universe” would take as it travels through time. Going from the center outward, before moving back to a point and going back to the center when the inevitable event of Time’s end.

As I said this was the shape of only one layer, that should have implied that more exist. The truth of the matter is that there are infinite layers to the multiverse, and they continue outward from the center just as infinitely. As they layers get bigger due to the distance they formed from the multiverse’s center, there is more room for multiple universes to exist on the layer at once. It’s quite impressive how much the ancient cultures knew before they faded, and just how much they left behind as well.

One such man of the past, who left us a vital piece of this information is Fibonacci. His number sequence, The Fibonacci Code, is much more than just a clever series of numbers that show how the spiral of flowers and snail shells all follow the same pattern, along with everything else. It also tells us just how many universes are on a layer of existence, depending on how far from the center of reality it is, as well as telling us the “distance” between each layer.

The Center will be referred to as 1. For there is only 1 in existance. Go a layer away, and you have 1 Universe, as the layer isn’t large enough to hold anything else. Go another layer, you have 2, as they layer is now big enough to hold that many universes. Go another layer, we suddenly have 3 Universes. Go another, and we have 5, then 8, then 11, and so on and so forth until there are too many universes to count.

But just as a layer gets bigger, it takes longer to travel across it’s surface. For the first layer, it is nearly instant. The layer being so small it takes no more than a nanosecond to finish it’s timeline. The next layer, being twice as large, would take two nanoseconds. Yes, like the gears in a bicycle or automobile, as you travel farther up the layers of the Multiverse, it takes longer for the universe to come to an end when you view the universe from the outside.

From the inside however, is a different story.

When inside a universe, the beings always perceive time at a set rate, determined by the collective consciousness of the denizens, and when one being moves to that universe from another, they would see it at the same rate. Due to this, One could spend what seems like Months in one realm, only to return to their realm and realize only two days passed, due to jumping between layers of the multiverse. The closer the layers are to each other, less of a time gap will form. If one were to travel to a universe on the same layer of existence, there would be no shift in the rate of time, as both universes being on the same layer prevents any differences in the time needed for those universes to travel along their plane to the Multiverse’s center.

Hopefully this explains somewhat on how Time relates to the Multiverse. Some may call it the Void, or whatever they choose to in their realm, but the effects are the same regardless.

4573902 Who said I was talking about the fictional world of the Displaced stories?

I was talking about OUR world.

Except, Yggdrasil is a floating tree in the void with nine universe orbiting it.

It is to er lay for this

What if the multiverse is one of several multiverses? Like there was a supreme Multiverse? I call dibs on calling it............. the Supremverse!

Also, I don't believe in your logic. I believe that the multiverse is like space. The different universes are just floating around like our different galaxies and solar systems are.

Group Admin

4574023 Personally, I refer to it as the Central Universe.

4573890 If it wasn't for Jysrin I would take this as canon. Though I personally don't have enough knowledge pertaining to this and physics in general to see any holes in your theory. But from what I remember from Jysrin's stories, Umbra was around eighth dimensional, and I'm more than convinced that there a dimensions beyond the third, and fourth whatever that proves to be. So perhaps it's not fourth dimensional either.

4573902 As you are the Lorist I cannot disagree with you one what is canon in Displaced Lore(Other than that Displaces is short for dimensionally misplaced. It's already and damn word and if it wasn't it wouldn't even be an abbreviation it would be a portmanteau!) but I can say that it is all a matter of perspective. That maybe what you eighth dimensioners see but this seems like the best us third dimensioners could think of to describe something we could not understand.

4573924 Same goes for you, what could be perceived as a tree could actually be (or also be, considering we're talking the multiverse here) a layer as described above. He said each layer held number of Universes and it's canon that your verse is ancient even by Multiverse standards. You could just be in an extremely old layer of the multiverse.

4574023 I for some reason have the sudden urge to slap you upside the head, but I also have the strange urge to congratulate you for giving another reason for the Khaos, which to my understanding is thought to be the first universe in the multiverse, to be so heavily protected.

This was interesting.

4574143 nah dude, it's a tree, hell, it even snatches up universes it likes.

Wait if it holds nine universes and adds one to its collection does it add a branch or does it boot one of the main nine out of it?

I'm not smart on any of the universal laws besides my own.

I just read all the comments and the main Point My brain feels weird That's was quite entertaining

4573911 Where do you work?????????

I'm a 20 year old art student in Stillwater, Oklahoma. I make Pizzas for a living at Mazzio's Italian Restaurant, and am currently enrolling in College classes for English and History.

I've been called a prodigy when I talk to people about this kind of stuff, and told that I need to be taking a science major or something pertaining to Philosophy. But the truth of the matter is that I've put WAY too much thought into this, and it has begun to infect my psyche to the point I just start writing and somehow get these things.

So my one issue with saying the multiverse is one ways is the term infinite. So following theoretical dimentions, 1 is a line, 2 is a plane and 3 is a cube, when you move up 8 is an infinite "space" holding every universe, and every branch universe of that universe created by every choice made, (a point is a universe start and draw a line of for every different end) making the 9th a point that is infinity or the multiverse. This is why a theoretical 10th dimension can't exsist as it would need 2 infinities which is theoretically impossible as any thing new that spawned would count as part of the first infinity being everything.
What this theory tells us is any perception of different "multiverses" is in fact just seeing a different "area" of the multiverse where rules are different. Jysrin touched on this with one of his stories, where in Umbra went from the "bubble-verse" to the "tree-verse" and did system admin stuff. This would mean there is a Fibinachi section and wave length area, where worlds are like radio frequencies and the time dialation is due to ossilation differences, along with an infinite amount of areas more.
My theory is the Displaced-verse is a area of the multiverse the 8th dimentional force Death created and put "borders" on to play around with. Auric (Golden Sun Displaced) at the end of his second story I think it was, manages to jump this to a new area where death isn't in command, but can still visit due to the token ties. (This means he is able to become a multi-dimention entity like Umbra and death at some point, in theory)
This makes Aurics fear of entropy valid in regards to the Displaced-verse but ultimately pointless as by definition of infinity the multiverse as a whole will continue on regardless.
So we should follow Jysrin's lore rules but know it's not all encompassing.

Sorry for any spelling errors did this post on my s*** phone with no good spell checker.

4574383 I don't see why it can't be both. Just because it's a tree doesn't mean it's can't be an ancient wave from the early days of the multiverse. This is the multiverse, if there's one thing the multiverse isn't, it's picky.

4576587 its not a universe its a sentient being.

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