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So I've decided to finaly write my own fic, only issue is I can't come up with a name that I feel is right for the story. The main character will be a Vincent valintine (post Dirge of cerberus:ffvii) cosplayer who ends up with Vincents memories. I will consider any suggestions posted.

Sorry can't really help you there, i don't know who this Vincent valintine is.
But i know the problem. I chose to go with basic thoughts of the swarm ^^.
" Survive, adapt, evolve."
And then some sort of end that didn't sound to stupid XD
"The Swarm in Equestia."
Not really creative i know, but it sound better then my first ideas ^^.

4574189 how about a brooding soul or maybe Equestria's Bloody Valentine if your story has gore

Those names don't really fit which Vincents character, he may be dark but that's to be expected with everything he's been through(he had the woman he loved taken away from him before becoming hojos experiment and ended up in a 30 year coma). Equestria's bloody valintine makes Vincent sound like a murderer, but he is clearly a hero who only does what's need to be done.


Valentine's Bleeding Heart.
The Crimson Monster.
Equestrian Fantasy: Beast Within.

Just a few simple ideas.

4574368 Um, actually, that name would be kind of misleading, giving the impression that the plot happened all in one day.

Ex-Turk in Equestria.

"Waking Hearts"
"Waking Heart(s)" ?

"Be my Valintine"

I don't know, just an idea.

4574295 equestrian fantasy: beast within sounds good, I would have gone with chaos within personally.

4580460 Well, you can change it. It's your story after all. I was just giving you ideas.

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