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So since everyone here has their multiversal theories floating around and has seen this title and everything I have a question.
Does anyone have a god damn (pardon my fancy) map of the main universes? I mean the universes that hold a major part in the lore.

4574519 Yggdrasil is kinda just a tree that floats in the void.

I don't really understand what you mean with main universe if this all plays in the multiverse.

Imagine the void is the ocean. Now, imagine that each molecule of water is a universe.

Can you map that? :duck:

(This is just trying to make a point, this is not how I actually view the void, but it gets my point across, I hope.) :fluttershysad:

4574519 that would require a lot of hard work and lots of reading.

I am well placed in both departments.

It does actually but said molecules would. Be magnetized in the form of one of those solar system maps you would've seen in grade school.

I meant the Universes that all play a part in the lore (which I will have to brush up on too)

Giant floating universe tree? Alright.

Oh boy now i have a thing to do when I'm in school...apart from prewriting and college stuff.

I can only suggest to have a lot of the authors come together, decide on a scale, and then try and map all of it out. If any one person was to be put in charge of it all, I would say "Jsyrin" Would be the one for the job. If not him, then possibly "MidnightChaos". But I don't think such a big burden should be dropped on any one being just like that.

What would this map be used for anyway? There has been no need for one yet, and I don't think any 2D representation would be able to measure up to it's real scale.

4574615 no, Yggdrasil is not a universe, its a tree that floats in the void, with 9 universes in its grip.

It would never compare to the true size of the multiverse due to the fact that if we make one decision over another we create another universe.
I just want to make a map because it would make understanding the whole conundrum of displacement a small bit easier...
If that makes sense.

Thanks for the clarification.

4574634 I just realized... With the "infinite options" thing, no matter what kind of representation anyone made, it would essentially be correct, as it would in fact represent everything somewhere, from some point of view...

Blarg! Too deep thinking. I'm not supposed to be smart and overthinking things, the "all" doesn't like that.

Though it would still be a large map, we have ~730 universes ( I'm going by how many stories there are.) All as small circles in this black mass (except Yggdrasil, which is a tree that has nine small circles in it.)

Group Admin

4574677 dude, here is the Admin in task of this sort of thing answering you; 4574670

Ah alright, Thanks
So drawing a map would be utterly pointless because a universe can blink away at any point in time through the void and because of the fact that interuniversal travel happens to be in the pocket of a Displaced via Token they can also blink/port/travel however they want to said universe.

Am I getting that right?

4574677 Ok, I have read a few of the stories that try to describe the void. And many give different explanations, so simply put, the void is different in nature to each and every Displaced.

This discussion is a big problem in of itself. All this, is after all, just that, a theory. And it will stay just that, (unless someone proves it. Something I find very hard to believe any one of us will be able to do with mere words. If we could communicate in thoughts... that'd be a different matter.)

One would say that we would be able to narrow it down eventually, they would be wrong. The key aspect here is 'infinite'. With infinity comes every possible action. The amount of actions are infinite. Any and all actions can happen at any time. Time is infinite (to our understanding at least. I would get more technical, but I don't have my schoolbooks with me. I also would need a Dictionary to translate a few words for myself as English is not my primary language.) After actions and time, comes location. There is an infinite amount of locations in an infinity. Right now we have infinity times itself at least three times.

Meaning that 'infinity' is a huge roadblock in trying to prove or explain the universe/s as a whole. If you really want an answer, you should probably ask Auric... which you can't...

To be honest, I believe it would be easier to explain what comes after death than the infinite possibilities of... Maybe not. Death might be infinite as well, we don't know.

I'm going to stop, I believe you've gotten my point by now. This task is impossible to do accurately. However, a simpler representation might be possible. For example, you could try writing a program that would simulate an infinite amount of infinities and their movements. Then put it up on a webpage for all to see. But it might not work, seeing how it's once again, infinite. Just throwing out ideas.

If we put some good heads together, I'm sure we'll come up with something. But this might be best just to be left untouched. The time could be used much more wisely, like for writing stories.

4574723 I... I just looked at my previous message and realized I never really wrote what I intended to in the first place. Oh well, it works as well.

"The time could be used much more wisely, like for writing stories."

I-I don't know what you're talking about!

Group Admin

4574759 Dude/girl, Jsyrin already answered the main question, and he is in charge of the Multiverse and its workings. There is no need for guesses when the creator is answering them; 4574670

You seem a bit disappointed...what's wrong?

4574809 Well, the way you answered in a way that suggests that you are trying to avoid continuing to write.

In all honesty I'm not, but due to this being my senior year of highschool before I begin to go into college for teaching.
So before that I have my head spewing out ideas for the story before summer ends.
In all honesty I didn't know you followed Ponyville's Gate

4576174 I actually don't (yet) But I know how authors might avoid writing some times. I kind of put everything up for about a month... Not too proud of that, but I'm done with it now and am now only waiting from my proof readers... Who will take their time as they themselves have just gotten a big dose of LIFE on their plate.

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