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Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

So I just thought of maybe trying a Displaced who uses Pokemon cards, rather than just being a Pokemon Trainer, but I have no idea how I'd make that work. Maybe like YuGiOh? but then there's already a YuGiOh Displaced, and...

Oh, I'm just not sure. Anyone have any ideas?

4577326 Throwing the cards and calling the name of said Pokemon.

4577326 Theres two Yu-Gi-Oh displaces stories.

Didn't know there were yugioh displaced.

An interesting idea, certainly having pokemon with only, like, two moves each is rather limiting in a good sort of way, and the time it would take to implement evolutions would also give them a more timed sense of utility rather than just wiping out some special ice-type to chill an oncoming floor or something.
Still, I think the greatest idea for this would be the power source. To get the energy-stones you could probably start off with just some basic colorless crystal that you would buy from "the merchant", but once in Equestria you would have to find some way to to elementally charge crystals, and while fire, wind, and water might not be too difficult, I would imagine darkness would be particularly hard to get a hold of, being such a volatile and debilitating form of magic in their world, but above all else I would imagine psychic would be the hardest of all. Where would you find telekinesis of the mind when even the most basic of levitations are done via the magic of a unicorns horn, as are prophesies. Really any mental related effect has a magical spell that is designed for it.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

That's a good idea! But I do feel like I've seen it somewhere before... Oh well, may still use it.

There is? I know about "Duel of the Millennium", but what's the other one? I'd like to give it a look.

That's... actually an amazing plot development idea. You mind if I steal that?

I also need a name for this, so any suggestions towards this would be really helpful.

4577760 Dark Magic Attack is a story that I have wrote myself. (displace Dark Magician from Yu-Gi-Oh)

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

Oh cool, I'll need to read that when I have the time.

Rock on man, that's what suggestion threads are all about.

As for titles, well "Pokemon: Cordiality Clash" or maybe "Pokemon EX Elements" (just a few twists on some of the tcg expansions really).

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


How about "Harmony EX: Dimensional Clash"?

Dunno, was kinda digging on the alteration for the CC one, but maybe "Pokemon EX: Harmony" or even just "Crystal Harmony".

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


Combine the two - "Pokemon EX: Crystal Harmony".

Also, how many deck should the character have? Should they be like Bastion from YuGiOh GX and have a deck for every occasion, or just one deck that comes down to the line every time like most of the YuGiOh protagonists?

Sounds rather catchy to me, looks like it might hook some of the tcg players.

Typically, if you're going to a tournament you have three decks with you, one for the actual tournament and two others for more friendly games, but what people will always bring with them is a small book of there trades, and that's where you will get most of your variety. As for decks that are tournament worthy, it shouldn't be too hard to find a few of the past winners and even some of the runners up. As for the book for actual trades keep in mind that while there is always room for rares and uncommons, don't forget that you can also put in common cards, just make sure they're shiny because otherwise no one is particularly interested in them (unless they are signed by the artist).

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


I personally tend to use Theme Decks, as I'm relatively new to the TCG scene and I'm not yet confident in my ability to build a decent deck myself. I've got a list of theme decks starting from the Black&White Series (including the Plasma series) but I'm not sure how many to use. Maybe all, maybe one, maybe somewhere in between.

Right-o, but most decks will main two colors and sometimes splash in a third (outside of colorless), so while you might have a few types of Pokemon, you won't have a large variety as you will have most of them as copies of one particular kind so you can evolve them or stall until you can get the really damaging ones out with a bevy of item cards to thin out your deck. But like I said, while you may have any number of decks at home, when going to a tournament, which you will typically find a few of at cons, you won't bring all your cards because, quite frankly, there are people out there who might just steal a few from you for a tidy ill-gotten profit. So a few decks and a trading-binder are about all people will bring with them to a new environment just so they can more easily keep an eye on things. But in any case, totally brutal decks or not, this is where the trading binder will come in handy so you can have cards that would otherwise leave you with a very tiny pool of Pokemon to draw from.
As for your own gaming into tcg, good fortune to you.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


Thanks, I mainly just play with a friend for fun. Not gonna lie though, haven't been beaten yet (though he's probably been going easy on me lol).

That sounds like a plan. So if I just choose maybe three that I know the best (for ease of writing of course) and then maybe just list any others I have for the binder?

Well, if you want to use some of your own I would recommend one deck only and write it off as a fun deck you keep for nostalgia purposes ("the first deck I ever made" kind of thing) then just look up on pokemon.com or something for some winning or runner up decks that catch your eye (I'm sure you can find some themed decks that fit your style in some fashion), and yeah, as for your binder you can have any number of cards from any number of expansions. However, don't forget to keep in mind that these are still paper-products so while your typical decks will be sleeved (and yes once your protagonist learns the rules he can take out his useless energy cards and item/trainer cards and switch them for just pokemon) don't forget what using those cards outside of a tabled setting can do to them.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


Okay, so that's pretty much sorted now then, I can build a deck later tonight.

Something else I need, though, is how he gets Displaced. He doesn't necessarily have to buy anything, either - Zinnia certainly didn't in Delta Guardian :rainbowwild:.

This is true, but like I said in my first post, he could get a colorless energy sphere as it would then lead to the natural progression of learning to need more elementally charged crystals once it touches your deck (from tripping and spilling out, or if the sphere is small enough just from being in the same pocket, or something, it's up to you). However, if you'd rather just find your way into some randomly charged crystals, like say you pass some fire-starters for camping of some ice ones for a refrigerator or something like that, you could pick an item from the game like Hypnotoxic Laser, Muscle Band, or Revive. You know, something you could use yourself not just the pokemon, and it just happens to catch your eye.
Though, of course you don't have to buy anything, if you wanted, you could have The Merchant act like a petulant child and banish you to some random off universe (which of course will end up being Equestria) for beating him in the Con's pokemon tgc tournament (though it might help on the believeability scale if you brag a bit too much about it so it comes off as an all too harsh punishment).

How about like digimon. Place the card in a reader and it summons said pokemon

I wanted to try something with Crow Hogan from Yugioh 5D's

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin

4577357 4577799 4579696 4580985 4582302

All these suggestions have been a real help guys, thanks a lot! Only thing now is making the character, and I have a question for you concerning that.

Are they a Boy or a Girl? What do they look like? What's their name? Basically I need help to build the character itself.

Gale the Anarchist
Group Admin


You mean like two Displaced? Or a hermaphrodite? I gotta ask.

4586558 Yes, two. Like two best friends, or brother and sister.

And as for the looks, perhaps one of the duo(choices) from the games? Like Red and Leaf, Gold and Silver, Sapphire and Ruby, Diamond and Pearl, Black and White, or X and Y.

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